And to think, had #Trump lost we might have been seeing this at the national level as well.

And to think, had #Trump lost we might have been seeing this at the national level as well.

#McCrory #NorthCarolina


Tobias Harms said…
So the state can make a law that the courts aren't allowed to review it? That seems about as crazy as convicts not allowed to vote.
Jason ON said…
Tobias Harms​, this was a very popular practice during the Bush (II) administration. The GOP found many ways to write laws that prevented the qualifications needed for judicial review such as secret spying on Americans in violation of the Constitution. The courts have always held you must have standing to being a lawsuit. That is, you must have been personally affected by the law. Well, if you don't know you're being affected you can't bring a challenge, now can you?
Tobias Harms said…
And at the same time the ISP for instance where forbidden to say anything and since they weren't personally affected as such I guess they didn't have a standing as well.

I have trouble seeing how this is true in this case though.

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