If such a registry ever comes to be, join me in also registering.

If such a registry ever comes to be, join me in also registering.


Lorne Thomas said…
What are you saying? Go back and correct you English. .
Nate Taylor said…
He will register, and request we should also?
Lorne Thomas said…
Nate Taylor He corrected his advanced ebonics post. Jason ON thank you.
John Bump said…
Note there is currently a "I will pledge to join the registry" thing going around. Half a second of thought comes to the conclusion that it's a great way to remove false positives from a proposed muslim registry, so if you DO decide to sign the pledge do it with fake info so that your real info will still help contaminate their stupid fascist database.
Bodhipaksa said…
The problem is that the talk is of a registry of Muslim immigrants — and so they'll probably start with CIS databases and put names directly on the new list. It's very unlikely that the general public will be able to say, "Hey, sign me up!"

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