Hell, I'm tempted to go except my fat ass can't fit into any of my uniforms anymore.

Hell, I'm tempted to go except my fat ass can't fit into any of my uniforms anymore.

#NoDAPL #StandingRock

Originally shared by Marla Caldwell

Wes Clark, Jr., son of well-known General Wesley Clark, coordinates with fellow veterans, hoping to get 500 or more volunteers to join in blocking access of the DAPL pipeline at Standing Rock. They'll bring body armor and gas masks, much more prepared to face the law enforcement agencies than the water protectors have been, and symbolically powerful in their uniforms.
He spent weeks trying to assemble a legal team for the Standing Rock Sioux, and even contacted Independent Diplomat, a nonprofit organization that helps governments navigate complex diplomatic processes. “I pulled all of the levers, and none of them worked,” Clark Jr. recalls. Then, in early November, the plan dawned on him: He’d bring his fellow veterans. Lots of them. And they’d come prepared to put their lives on the line.

“We’re not going out there to get in a fight with anyone,” Clark Jr. says. “They can feel free to beat us up, but we’re 100% nonviolence.”

H/T to Rick Williams​


Jerry Mael said…
My wet suits will still stretch on! hehee

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