And what happens when he walks back on promises made to foreign governments or the UN?

And what happens when he walks back on promises made to foreign governments or the UN?



Bob Lai said…
It's not a flip-flop. It's emotional blackmail from a chronic abuser.

Yell, scream, rage, then tell the victim you love them and want them to be happy. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Terence Reale said…
Hmmm..... his supporters must feel a bit miffed..... wait until he tells them big coal isn't coming back ever.
Lorne Thomas said…
It's the NYT. They are just a rag and no longer news, ignore the propaganda.
Bryce Miller said…
Lorne Thomas illogical. This story is not from the NYT. It's from a third party discussing the things Trump said in an interview. Trump said the words in the interview. The NYT didn't make him say anything.
Your statement is the propaganda.
Lorne Thomas said…
Bryce Miller the story is based on a story from the NYT. Your argument is uneducated and you are one of the gullible who subscribe to the propaganda. Cheers.
Pool Man said…
"candidate Elect" Trumpery should know that flip flops are generally not acceptable Presidential attire....
Bryce Miller said…
Lorne Thomas wrong. It's about a NYT interview, not based on a NYT story. Just as we are right now talking about the story. The NYT transcribed the words from Trump. Critiquing those words from trump has nothing to do with your opinion of the NYT. When you try to discredit the story based on who interviewed Trump, it's a pathetic attempt at propaganda.
You don't know what propaganda I subscribe to. You don't know what I'm educated about and you don't know anything about me being gullible. Stop trying to deflect. Those things aren't related to pointing out your lack of logic.
Lorne Thomas said…
Bryce Miller do you read what you type before you hit post?
Bryce Miller said…
Lorne Thomas I read them just fine, thanks. I get the impression that you are so utterly devoid of intelligence that you can't comprehend the words, so I'll stop wasting time on you. It's tragic that you drank so much leaded water as a child.
Terence Reale said…
Bryce Miller just block the troll, there is no reasoning with some.
Lorne Thomas said…
Bryce Miller, and now we turn it down a notch. lol.
Bryce Miller said…
Terence Reale I did, but first I had to give him the benefit of the doubt ;p
Terence Reale said…
Bryce Miller yea, I tried that.
James Salsman said…
Hey everyone, I have Stockholm syndrome, so I'm just going to take this opportunity to indulge my recurring fantasy that Trump is still performing the world's most elaborate trolling and still fundamentally believes in his 1999 platform, single payer, wealth taxes, and all. Feel free to make fun of me.

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