If I thought for a second this would fit into my pocket I'd totally consider it.

If I thought for a second this would fit into my pocket I'd totally consider it. I know G+ is an Android fanboy home base and I've had Android since the G1, but I've never loved and Android like I loved my Blackberry Pearl or Nokias before.


Nick McIntosh said…
I thought BB had switched to a forked version of Android anyway. It advertises apps through the Amazon App Store
Adam Black said…
Jason ON​ Do you have prior G+ Android app SDK . I updated yesterday and it's terrible for sharing.
Roberto Bayardo said…
BB should get with the program and adopt Android. They could perhaps invest in a hardened Android variant and continue to market and succeed in security conscious sectors.
Jason ON said…
Roberto Bayardo, they are using Android. Check out the BB Priv and the DTEK 50 and 60. All of which are Android based.

Adam Black​, no I do not.

Nick McIntosh​, they did, but the world needs more choices, not less.
Nick McIntosh said…
Jason ON​ Mobile OS is made or broken by app availability. It's what's killing the Windows phone and it rightly killed BBOS 10.

And really, Blackberrys strength was always their hardware. Forking Android was a brilliant idea for them. I'm just shocked it took them so long.

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