Had a dream I couldn't tie a tie. How weird is that?


Shannon B. said…
Two questions that may be telling...

1. Do you wear a tie to work most days?
2. Is work currently more stressful than usual due to possible promotions/downsizing or difficult clients/project?
Shannon B. said…
Then the book I read on dreams when I was 13 was hogwash. :-)
Jason ON said…
I've never had to tie a bow tie, either. While my dad taught me to tie a tie, he only taught me the one knot (half Windsor: http://www.tie-a-tie.net/halfwindsor.html). He said that was good enough. My dad's always been a "path of least resistance" kind of guy. 

In the military, when we had to be in CLass As, I was the guy in the barracks going around and tying everyone's ties. You know, for those guys who didn't buy clip-ons.
In my best Freud: you are experiencing a incompletion!
In my best Nietzsche: you tie is a choking point on your sexual preference!

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