Some people will believe anything.

Some people will believe anything. Others ... well, we need a bit more evidence. Real evidence, based in fact and logic, not conspiracy theory "facts" that only they're privy to because the rest of us are "sheep."


Salvador Melo said…
Gord Wait , but if I am not selling anything? What if the only thing some of us with these experiences want from those of you who haven't had them is a recognition that you don't know what happened? I for one don't care that you (collectively) don't believe. There is no reason to belittle those who do believe in paranormal things, though there are reasons to watch out for the are correct about the existence of those salesmen.
Gord Wait said…
Here's where we agree to disagree. Every time these "paranormal" events are scrutinized, it turns out to be a hoax, a scam, a delusional person, or just someone who is inept at science, looking for attention. If I myself were witness to such an unexplainable event, I would be wise enough to assume someone had slipped me a hallucinogen. I would not be dumb enough to assume that I had seen a ghost or heard the voice of god. In short, your bullshit detector is broken.
Salvador Melo said…
I agree with the "Agree to disagree."

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