Holy crap! Is Obamacare working? What on Earth are the GOP going to complain about now?

Holy crap! Is Obamacare working? What on Earth are the GOP going to complain about now?


David Simmons said…
I first interpret this as hospitals where rejecting patients not keeping people healthy.
Jason ON said…
That's an "interpretation" not a fact. If you have facts to support your interpretation, please share them.
David Simmons said…
It was a misinterpretation I had. But I do remember I had a friend who was in a hospital and at no fault of the hospital she needed hospitalization again within that 30 day period they rejected her and sent her to another hospital. So I guess that is one way they are keeping their numbers better.
David Simmons said…
Yea, I think the number crunching admission office didn't understand how it works. People are still figuring out the details, as with anything that changes. Because I was upset at the time because nobody should get rejected from a hospital, but the second hospital was better which is probably why they sent her there for better care.
Lorne Thomas said…
It's no child left behind rebadged as no patient left behind. We all know how well the child version worked and what it did to the educational system, let's see how long we have a hospital system and when exactly the wholistic medicine and witch doctors take over the way the charter schools did.
David Simmons said…
What's wrong with wholistic medicine?
Lorne Thomas said…
Nothing for the small things, but let's face it, nothing beats a bad case of cancer like a brisk jog in the park and some alfalfa sprouts, oh, hold on, I mean chemotherapy or a Gama knife.

But I will sure as hell have some sleepy time tea at the end of a hard day.
David Simmons said…
Chemotherapy is only 2.1% effective. I know of several that are still alive after 5 years juicing, a couple did chemo with juicing, some did juicing alone since the doctor wrote them off already. One even attended his ex-doctor's funeral.
Lorne Thomas said…
And I walked across an open field that was under heavy machine gun fire and didn't get hit, not even once. I must be bulletproof and shit.

I will take modern medicine as a first choice and then when all else fails I will be pragmatic and explore other non traditional and homeopathic options. 

But lets be honest, come cases the isotope is your best bet, according to the 14 year study that was published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology in December 2004 called “The Contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5-year Survival in Adult Malignancies”., the best results from chemotherapy are treating Testicular Cancer where it is 41.8% effective, and Hodgkins Disease where it is 35.8% effective.

I will treat my nuts with the nuke while you rub lanolin and tea tree oil in to yours and see who sings soprano first.
David Simmons said…
Wholistic is to live healthy so that you don't reach the needing nuke stage.
Lorne Thomas said…
And going to church is supposed to keep you in good favor with what ever god it is you worship, should work just about as well.
David Simmons said…
The studies say that church goers live longer.

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