Mitch McConnell has an opinion on whether or not Presidents have the power to appoint supreme court justices.

Mitch McConnell has an opinion on whether or not Presidents have the power to appoint supreme court justices. And apparently his opinion can change along with the winds of who sits in the White House.


Peggy Lynn said…
Congress, and congress alone, can fire those judges.
Clinton Schultz said…
Theres a fucking puppet if I ever saw one!
Jason ON said…
Peggy Lynn, fire what judges?
there is nothing that prevents a list being formed by the senate as suggestions for the president to consider
john does said…
this thing must be related to harry reed and he will vote with Obama every time.
Gary Rudd said…
Wthout a replacement a 4-4 decision is reaffirmed to the lower courts ruling and right now most (not all) pending cases favor the Dems. Since I assume Obama will play his hand safely, a nomination would probably be someone who was approved by the Senate strongly. Denying a vote means the Republicans must face the reality of a full year with 8 on the court and a potential November victory by Dems who will probably pick someone much more left and very possibly have control of the Senate... More popcorn on order!
Gary Rudd said…
BTW just wondering if the Supreme Court rulings ARE NOT the law of the land (gay marriage) why is the GOP in such a panic to block a nominee?
Gary Rudd said…
Bel Bal​
I'm not saying the SCOTUS is not the law of the land, the GOP says this when they don't like a ruling. My point is, if the GOP doesn't think Supreme Court rulings ARE in fact the law of the land, why are they in such a panic to block a new judge. It shouldn't matter by their own logic!

Peggy Lynn said…
Congress can fire supreme court judges. Is a long process and congress votes on whether a judge can be fired. Same way and process of being impeached.
john does said…
Harry Reed AND Mitch McConnel sitting in a tree....
john does said…
Although Obama will do whatever any things to diminish and destroy America, he will do nothing to cause exposure of his involvement in the Hillary Bengazi affairs. Obama hates the Clinton's and would love to torpedo Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Obama would endorse Bernie Sanders if he wasn't afraid of Clinton squealing on him.
TRUMP owes no one. He funded his campaign. This is a donation to the people of america. The rest are funded indirectly from tax payer dollars - one way or the other. TRUMP speaks out for America.

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