Wow! #Jeb! Is bowing out.

Wow! #Jeb! Is bowing out.

Originally shared by Jeremy Nixon

Well, we don't have Jeb to kick around any more.


Lorne Thomas said…
So, think you'll see him back for a VP role? Worked for Dad.
Jason ON said…
No. Cruz is too far out there in his land of self righteousness, Rubio will want someone hip and Trump hates Jeb.
Dark Goddess said…
I felt so bad for Jeb, he reminded me of that kid in high school that always got picked on. And he wasn't even a bad person, just awkward and dorky, so it was easy to make fun of him.
Robert Hamilton said…
I don't think his heart was really in it.  Probably just doing it because it's the family business.
Lorne Thomas said…
Jason ON this election season is better than any hollywood script could ever be. I swear I got the popcorn out and have the lights dimmed every time they start politicking.
Robert Hamilton said…
Lorne Thomas When do they STOP politicking in the USA?  I swear they go into election mode the day the election is over.

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