Everyone will be talking about this for at least a few more days. What do you think? Is Apple right, or the FBI?

Everyone will be talking about this for at least a few more days. What do you think? Is Apple right, or the FBI?


Sam Moore said…
Avoiding all tech speak.
I do not care if the keys to the empire are locked on that phone. It could very well be nothing at all.
Similar, but not exactly the same as reasoning for torture.
This time, I side with Apple.
Anthony Ducker said…
It was a phone which belonged to a gunman in a shooting where 14 people were killed and 22 were injured, it was classed as a terrorist attack but could just be another American nutter (as they have plenty). Access to the phone could reveal plans of other attacks or it could be nothing as Sam Moore said however if the FBI are trying to get into the device and Apple are hindering them all because of what. I side with the FBI simply because we don't know if it turns out to be something then good if not then so what, at least people wouldn't have potentially been in danger just because of a company being too proud of themselves.
Joe Lancaster said…
I hate Apple. But there is no other rational position than to side with Apple this time.
John Bump said…
I doubt it's possible to do, realistically.  But even if it were, apple should fight it.  (And they will, as this has an enormous impact on their business.)
David Simmons said…
What do they want off the iPhone? Not text messages, they have that already. They just want to know what apps are load so they can fish around into other companies servers. But guess what Apple already know all the apps on your phone. The killers where careful enough to destroy their home computer. You think they forgot the iPhone. Also someone mentioned that they can use the finger prints to access the phone also.
Bill Brayman said…
Let the FBI, NSA, etc reveal their secrets, then let's talk about apple and our phones. Do you think the FBI keeps too many secrets themselves? you bet they do. This ordeal is an overreaching power play by the government, we know that back doors are not necessary to keep us safe, and the government has shown it can't even take care of their own security infrastructure. Let them get their own house in order rather than shifting the blame on others.
Steve Thompson said…
Kind of on Apple's side though it should be possible for them to break into this one device for the FBI vs. giving the FBI software to do it whenever they want on whatever device they want.

Assuming that is possible, they should do that.
Bill Brayman said…
Here's a link to Apple's response that seems to pretty soundly argue against legality of the FBI's method. [https://www.eff.org/files/2015/10/23/e.d.n.y._1-15-mc-01902_16.pdf ] Also, Andreas Schou gives his interpretation of the issue in his post: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+AndreasSchou/posts/WAFNMLNk9bN
James Salsman said…
Schou (who has blocked me because he does not agree with my electability mathematics) is forgetting that OnStar could not be ordered to eavesdrop.

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