Holy shit! The world just changed!

Holy shit! The world just changed!

Justice Scalia was a horrible justice, not recusing himself when he should have, hating progress of any kind and writing judicial acrobatics to make his conservative points.

I, for one, won't miss him.




Asbjørn Grandt said…
Next, GOP outcry when Obama want to appoint a "liberal" judge to replace him.
David Simmons said…
They will complain even if the nominee is a conservative.
Bodhipaksa said…
I love how the GOP candidates are adamant that the next president should nominate a replacement. Would they say the same if a republican president was in office?
Scalia also defended first amendment rights, including the right for Video games to be considered artistic freedom.

Let go of hatred of someone when they die. It only makes you the more petty person to hold onto it.
Pfft, not a problem to express your hatred when someone dies. It reminds those who would exalt him that he was a jackass. 

"When someone dies, thou shalt no longer be of obligation to cry and say "He'll be missed!" knowing good and well that he was an asshole"

--Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip "Thou Shalt Always Kill"
Steve Thompson said…
" ... We would like to nominate Ted Cruz to the Supreme Court vacancy as he is known for his clear-headedness and forward thinking."

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