It's that sort of attention to detail that shows just how capable of a president Jeb Bush would be.

It's that sort of attention to detail that shows just how capable of a president Jeb Bush would be.

Originally shared by Sam Sullivan expired and Donald Trump picked it up. Not sure how you let your domain expire in a campaign year, but this is just hilarious.


Brian Sullivan said…
I don't think this is a let domain expire issue -- he just never owned it and whoever did sold or gave it to Trump.
Jason ON said…
Maybe. Is there a place to look up the history of domain ownership and not just current owner?
Brian Sullivan said…
There is but it most places I found you have to have a paid membership. This CNN report though indicates it was for sale last year.
Sam Sullivan said…
Thanks, Brian Sullivan, looking at I think you're right.
Sam Sullivan said…
Johnny Wishbonn as a heads up, it may not even be Mr. Trump or his campaign. The domain owner is protected...could easily be someone was squatting on that domain and thought it would be hilarious (it is) to redirect it to Trump.

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