This is your Republican dream.

This is your Republican dream.


Andy Bohm said…
Oh good! And here I thought Nestle was only pumping free water from California's drought stricken National Parks! They're totally spreading the love.
Lorne Thomas said…
You are wrong with your assessment of responsibility. Making assumptions and laying blame by virtue of blind assertions and vague generalizations is the hallmark of the delusional. 

Where are the links to lay blame?
Who has allowed or permitted Nestle to pump, filter, and bottle water from the lakes? 

This is the kind of bullshit propaganda that really makes me sad to be a liberal democrat.
Lorne Thomas said…
The problem with Nestle in California, I lay squarely on the shoulders of local law makers and bureaucracy failing the constituent population. The permit expired and no one ever bothered to check in on it.
Jason ON said…
What are you talking about, Lorne Thomas​? No one's saying otherwise.
Lorne Thomas said…
OP:"This is your Republican dream" 

Reality: Gross generalization at best.

How about the Beer companies sending canned water to Flint? They are some of the biggest corporations around, but you fail to mention that as part of your supposed Republican dream.

Chalk one up to just plain sloppy propaganda
Jason ON said…
Ah, because there was nothing about beer companies in this article?

The Republican Dream is the prioritizing corporations over the health and welfare of citizens.That beer companies - anyone - is sending clean water in is great, but it was Tea Party policies that got the people of Flint into this mess in the first place. It was a GOP governor playing fast and loose with providing the one thing in this universe required for life. It is about the governor who disbanded the local city government and put in a "emergency manager" outside the rule of law and the consent of the governed who wanted to save money, not look at what's best for the city - because, remember, they prioritize the dollar over all else.It is about the governor and his staff ignoring calls from the water department, local public health officials, objective third parties and everyone else for months, maybe a year, about the water crisis.

That's your rRepublican government at work.
Lorne Thomas said…
That whole thing is shameful in that bleeding heart socialists are using a failure of the system, and it was a failure at the hands of a liberal local government. 

Its all crap that the governor dismantled local government. They have a law on the books that require emergency management if the books aren't balanced. The local government went in to the red and the emergency manager law was then required to take effect. 

So tell me again how Nestle bottling water from the great lakes is a Republican Dream?

Propaganda fail.
Jason ON said…
It's not propaganda, it's reality:

It was Rick Snyder who used the Emergency Manager law repeatedly and repeatedly failed at it. If you want to make a sweeping claim that the emergency managers replaced "liberal" governments you have to prove it, not just say it. Or maybe you believe it's the "liberal" governments that destroyed Kansas' economy; have been in control of the nation's poorest performing states. Here you go: tell me which ones are red and which ones are blue and see if you can see a pattern:

here, this will make it easier:
Jason ON said…
I don't count The New York Times​ and CNBC as propaganda.
Jason ON said…
That's your interpretation. I'm not paranoid nor dillusional.

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