Sometimes you have to double check if something in the bathroom wants to eat you or if it is just a tiny statue.

Sometimes you have to double check if something in the bathroom wants to eat you or if it is just a tiny statue.


Julie Hayward said…
Ah yes..... that's how I remember Florida. Lol
Jason ON said…
And then I saw something run across a parking lot that looked the size of a cat or maybe a fox, but it hopped along like a monkey. Weird.
Julie Hayward said…
Jason ON got me there. Was it "name that creature" time? Lol
Jason ON said…
Definitely not sleeping outside. ;)
Julie Hayward said…
Jason ON my great Aunt & Uncle use to own cottages in Leesburg that sat at the mouth of a channel out to the lake. They had a small gator that hung around. Guess it was attacked and lost an eye. They named him One-Eyed Jack, after my uncle (who had 2 working eyes LOL). The first time I went there in 1986 I was scared as hell to go down to the dock not knowing ole One-Eye was long dead. Low & behold all the scary things were crawling into the house and stowing away in my suitcase. THAT was a nice surprise when I got home. I was only 12. My next trip at 18 I brought wisdom and lessons learned with me. Don't leave your suitcase unzipped and still be afraid of the dock. Lol 😁😁
I would have screamed like a girl and burned the place down lol

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