Take a trip down Scalia Lane and see why I won't miss him.

Take a trip down Scalia Lane and see why I won't miss him. Not that I disagree with everything he says, but even a stopped clock ...

Originally shared by Willi Bleimeister


Amy Rothstein said…
That quote is making me queasy.
Jack Carlson said…
And he considered himself moral?
Jason ON said…
If you click through the link there's a slide show with more Scalia quotes.
Lorne Thomas said…
The truth of that statement is in support of the legal system that he was charged with participating in upholding. That statement, no matter how much it offends is true and the way that the justice system works.

Supposition and speculation have no part in judging an axiom such as this.
David Blanar said…
Insane justification is insane. It may be how the system works but don't dare call it truth. Or justice.

Dress up the axiom however you like but executing anyone - much less the 'factually innocent' - is psychopathological.
Lorne Thomas said…
The statement is true, the system is justice.
Amy Rothstein said…
The system was made by people. Nothing is perfect, especially anything made by people. We also have the ability to fix things that are broken, and make adjustments along the way. Recognizing that someone is INNOCENT should be reason enough to prevent the murder of an innocent person. Lorne Thomas if it was your son I have no doubt you'd see that this is a responsible, grown-up way to look at our world.
Lorne Thomas said…
Amy Rothstein if you can not accept a truth because of sentimentality and the most basic of human motivations to point out things that are wrong, you should not be engaging in discussions of politics.

As long as we have these things called human beings which we try to govern, who are prone to independent thought and susceptible to neurosis and psychosis, we will suffer this dilemma.

It is our responsibility to seek out a more perfect condition, but it is still our duty to uphold to the greatest extent possible the system that we have.

This argument would bring Super Soakers and Nerf cannons to the military, because murdering soldiers who are on a side of a conflict aligned politically or ideologically at odds with our interests shouldn't have to die. 

Wishing for utopia is not a bad thing, but to fail to use rational thought and cognitive ability by crying about a problem with out proposing a solution puts you firmly in the category of the neurotic.
Amy Rothstein said…
Lorne Thomas wow, what a pleasure you are to have a conversation with.
Lorne Thomas said…
Amy Rothstein thank you.
Amy Rothstein said…
Lorne Thomas do you really not see any difference in the two examples? Are you aspie?
Lorne Thomas said…
Amy Rothstein I have a firm understanding of the brutality of humanity, so I am not prone to the flights of fairy tale fantasy of a utopia that will come about because of wishing and complaining of the ignorant and ill-informed.

And thank you for handing me a victory by making the debate a personal one with your last sentence. ha ha ha ha 
Amy Rothstein said…
Your memory is very short, or maybe you think declaring a total stranger to be neurotic is part of social media conversation. Either way, you're no fun at all.

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