This is your libertarian paradise.

This is your libertarian paradise.

#AynRand #libertarian


Eric Mueller said…
This is a great article, but it doesn't answer its own question of why people buy into Rand. Simply put, she flatters. She divides the world into two groups: innovators and parasites. All you really have to do to be a part of the former group is reject communitarianism. Always rely on yourself and don't let others drag you down, and you are a paragon in the mold of John Galt.

What's so convenient about this is there's no falsification. If you live according to Rand's doctrine and don't achieve then it's not your fault, it's the parasites who leech off your obviously superior talent. One day, though, people like you will stop producing and the entire world will screech to a halt.

It's this self-aggrandizement that makes Rand attractive, and even allows people whom she would probably view as parasites to see themselves as innovators. It provides a ready-made model of haves and have nots, and everyone can easily view themselves as a have being dragged down by have nots. It's the same set of tendencies that makes nationalistic philosophies like facism so attractive, you tell one class they are superior and all their failures are due to the other classes.
Jason ON said…
I've given up on many articles answering their own questions.
Shawn McClure said…
"The core of Rand’s philosophy — which also constitutes the overarching theme of her novels — is that unfettered self-interest is good ..."
(bold mine)

Anyone who comes to the above conclusion has either 1) not thoroughly read Rand or 2) thoroughly read but not understood Rand. It's really tiresome to see her philosophy repeatedly summarized so erroneously like this.

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