East meets West for the first time in a long time.

East meets West for the first time in a long time.


I think part of it had to do with the Eastern church rejecting statuary and focusing on icons--for starters. Also these are all national churches. There is no supreme head of the Orthodox Church.
Jason ON said…
From what I was taught in my religious history class in college, that all the different Churches of the ancient world had their own equal heads (popes). When the Roman church declared itself superior to the other churches (popes) the schism happened as they were unwilling to give up autonomy.
That's not even the only schism in xtianity. Ask anyone from Europe if they've ever been inside a church in America and if they have they'll tell you more things that Americans believe that Europeans don't believe than you could imagine. I now have 2 completely different views of xtianity thanks to one of my friends filling me in on how utterly different they are.

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