But, but, but... I love Picasa!

But, but, but... I love Picasa!


Jason ON said…
Because Google wants you in their cloud, not on your desktop.
Mark Gross said…
Well, it was either that or make it convert to/from .webp/.jpg, so obviously, kill it!
Terence Reale said…
I hate you google sometimes.
Steve Thompson said…
Why does it seem that they sometimes just make changes just to make changes. Sometimes things are just good and don't require a change in the hopes that it might, maybe, be better in some way, possibly.
lal thomas said…
....I love picasa windows desktop application...Go hell Google :(
They'll just rebrand the desktop app.
Jason ON said…
No, I think they want everyone in the cloud.
Terence Reale photos is an inferior product.
Jason ON said…
Yeah, I went through Google Photos today trying to see what organizational tools it had. I dislike it. A lot.

I understand Google wants everyone in the cloud and using Google's services, but I'd rather have a piece of local software on my computer that lets me manage and control my stuff and then sync it in the same way in the background. Google Drive is pretty good about it with their desktop folder, but Photos is seriously lacking in anything I look for in a photo management tool. 

Since I'm on Windows10, I even went to Microsoft's market to see if they had a management/editing tool, but, sadly, they don't.

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