You really should take a moment to read this article.

You really should take a moment to read this article. It's very enlightening and shows the casual disregard #TrumpNation has for reality.

“No matter how racist, how bigoted, how offensive, how obviously fake we get, people keep coming back,” Blair once wrote, on his own personal Facebook page. “Where is the edge? Is there ever a point where people realize they’re being fed garbage and decide to return to reality?”


She scrolled upon another post from America’s Last Line of Defense, reading fast, oblivious to the satire labels and not noticing Blair’s trademark awkward phrasings and misspellings. It showed a group of children kneeling on prayer mats in a classroom. “California School children forced to Sharia in Class,” it read. “All of them have stopped eating bacon. Two began speaking in Allah. Stop making children pray to imaginary Gods!!”


Bodhipaksa said…
Terrifying. I have to wonder, though, who's dumber in this story: the conservative woman who believes everything she reads or the liberal who makes a living manufacturing fascists?
Jason ON said…
Bodhipaksa I had thoughts along the same lines. Not questioning his intelligence, but questioning whether he's thought out the long-term implications. I mean, I even thought about doing this just because Conservatives will believe anything. Unfortunately, I'm still not poor enough to justify the hit on my ethics.

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