"I will consider whatever ideas are presented to me, but only if they are consistent with the absolute security and...

"I will consider whatever ideas are presented to me, but only if they are consistent with the absolute security and safety of America," he [Trump] wrote.

It makes one wonder if Saudi Arabia either has something on #DonaldTrump or he's so traumatized by 9/11 that he's scared of another attack if the Saudi Arabian doesn't get what it wants from the USA.

In #TrumpNation we're living in a bizarro world where up is down, left is right; allies are scorned and despots are praised.

Seriously, the note I think about it, Donald Trump seems like the beta-male, always sucking up to whom he feels is powerful because he's insecure enough to know he'll never be an alpha.

Originally shared by NBC News

President Donald Trump, in exclamation point-filled formal presidential statement, said that his administration would stand by Saudia Arabia's rulers and take no actions against them over the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.



Jason ON said…
If you're used to reading above a fourth grade level this may hurt your brain. If, however, you are #TrumpNation ... Well, I doubt you could read this at all.
whitehouse.gov - Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Standing with Saudi Arabia | The White House
John Bump said…
So ideas that don't agree with american security, like "Kim is still developing nuclear weapons", he won't even listen to. That does explain our North Korea policy, but wow voluntary blindness is scary.
su ann lim said…
Jason ON There have been all kinds of coverage of the Saudis being long term financiers of the T Corporation. 45 can't afford to be in conflict with them.
James Karaganis said…
Wait until they release the T virus.

Everyone got so bent about the entirely media-manufactured Russia narrative that they simply don't see Saudi Arabia for what it is. To wit, a far greater influence upon our government and its policies than Russia will ever be (and a bad influence at that.)

This has little to do with Trump per se, and goes back decades. Remember the aftermath of 9/11 when the FAA grounded all air travel but Bush got his Saudi friends out before everything shut down? Obama played nice with them too. The truth is, our government officials love them because they pass around U.S. dollars like candy.

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