Lots of reports over the weekend letting us know #DonaldTrump isn't happy and he's lashing out at anyone he can.

Lots of reports over the weekend letting us know #DonaldTrump isn't happy and he's lashing out at anyone he can. Some people will take it (Mitch McConnell), but I have a feeling some in the GOP will start distancing themselves from #TrumpNation due to voter's reactions this year.

"I think the immigration rhetoric lost us several seats in Hispanic districts, and it's not going to get better in 2020," lamented one GOP operative who worked on the midterms. "There is no district we lost here that we are going to win in 2020 - and it's going to hurt recruiting, quite honestly."

Originally shared by Joseph Milan

A psychopathic 2019

The Memo: Trump seethes, two weeks after midterms.


Jason ON said…

I will make the reckless prediction that “Donald Trump” and “good news” are not fated to appear in the same sentence unless the good news happens to be that his presidency is ending. Everything about his behavior since the midterms suggests that even he has figured this out. It has belatedly dawned on him that (a) he lost the election he thought he won; (b) the Robert Mueller investigation has moved faster than his efforts to thwart it; (c) any of his legislative fantasies, notably the funding of his border wall, are doomed; and (d) and his pouting in Paris elevated his international image as a buffoon to a whole new level of notoriety. Remember when Republicans attacked Barack Obama (falsely) for allegedly barring Winston Churchill’s bust from the White House? Now the GOP’s hero is a president whom Churchill’s own grandson, the Conservative member of Parliament Nicholas Soames, has labeled “pathetic,” “inadequate,” and “not fit to represent this great country” after Trump failed to show up at the French cemetery rites honoring the fallen of World War I.

nymag.com - Frank Rich: Trump Is Starting to Panic
Keith Keber said…
Just wait until Mr. Average Taxpayer finds out that his "tax reduction" was an outright LIE this coming new year. I'm on a fixed lower-moderate income. My taxes increase 210,000% in 2018 (yes, that number IS correct)… and all of that increase is because of the new Republican tax law. Moreover, the tax law in 2019 is going to be worse. People on fixed incomes (many of those who thought they saved enough to retire early), the disabled and elderly, and reaching well into the lower-middle class families with kids; ALL of them are going to be in for a very nasty surprise. They may have received a tax return for all their lives, but this year is going to be a lot different. People will have to start sending money to the government without any increase in their revenues.

The news media have been warning us about it (by "warning" I mean mentioning occasionally that people should check their withholding), but few Americans are ready for a 210,000% increase in taxes. Especially when there is nothing to show for it, except the rich getting richer.

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