Mike Elgan shut down comments on his original post so I'm sharing this here for commentary.

Mike Elgan shut down comments on his original post so I'm sharing this here for commentary.

I knew some foods we eat came from Mexico (or the region we now call Mexico) but had no idea so many other staples in modern meals originated south of the border.

Also, Mexican food is delicious.


James Karaganis said…
Indeed, and most Americans don't seem to realize that our greatest trading partner is not China, but Mexico.

Let alone the fact that Mexico (like many, if not most other countries and completely unlike the United States) does have its own very distinctive cuisine.
James Karaganis said…
And yes. Fucking delicious.
Jason ON said…
I love Mexican food.
James Karaganis said…
Me too. I'm fortunate to live in an area that's chock-full of good restaurants, including a couple of top notch Mexican outfits. Eating out is expensive so we don't very often but when we do Mexican fare is at the top of the list.
Jason ON said…
Fortunately, I live in an area that has more mom and pop Mexican joints than Starbucks. Some are obviously better than others, but there's no end to the options. Unless, of course, you're one of those people who are scared to go into Mexican dominated neighborhoods.
James Karaganis said…
"Murderers, rapists ... some, I assume, are good people."

-- D. Trump
Jason ON said…
James Karaganis exactly. Denver is filled with white people who are terrified of brown people.
James Karaganis said…
Xenophobes. Not to change the subject too far from delicious food, but it is damned near impossible to have worthwhile public discourse on the topic of immigration (illegal or otherwise) when so many people react without thinking.

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