WordPress 101

This afternoon I came to the library and immediately saw on the whiteboard near the front door a listing for a WordPress beginners class for this evening. I registered for the class and then spent the next couple of hours literally watching videos on my laptop. Being homeless means I don't sleep well and not sleeping well means I'm tired throughout the day and being tired throughout the day means I'm not very productive. It's a vicious cycle.
Regardless, when the time came I went to the WordPress class. I have never even been to WordPress.com/org before and while I understood the basic function of the service, I've never used it. Now, don't get me wrong, I know a lot of people who do use it and use it quite frequently. People who run websites using the WordPress platform and people who just believe the backend of WordPress is much more user-intuitive than, let's say, Blogger. So, I wanted to know more.
The class was very basic, to say the least. Which was probably good since not everyone knows about blogging or website building and they need a solid foundation to start from. But, getting into WordPress and working through it's admin and setup panels was much easier than working in Blogger. I'll give them that. Google needs to spend some time over here making Blogger more user friendly. I mean, it's no wonder people are adopting WordPress in droves and Blogger isn't.
There is a WordPress 102 class coming up in a couple of weeks and I may sign up for that class just to see what's considered "more advanced". In the meantime, I'm going to stick with Blogger because ... well, at this point it's easier.