Ciro Villa

Ciro Villa

Hey, did you turn off commenting on your posts for everyone or just for me? If it's for everyone, great, I'll go ahead and uncircle you as there's no point in continuing to follow you if I can't comment.

If you turned off commenting just for me, great, I"ll go ahead and uncircle you as there's no point in following you if I can't comment.

Let a brother know.




Adam Black said…
Weren't you on the post 2 months ago when he said he was g oing to withdraw from g+ ? i remember this

Jason ON said…
Adam Black then why is he here?
Adam Black said…
Jason ON You tell me, did he say he would stop posting or just turn off comments and withdraw to Twitter ?

You had a conversation with him. ( its possible he cross posts) .

If you go back 2 months ill sure youll find the announcement.
Jason ON said…
Adam Black I"m not going looking for the post. If you want to, feel free.

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