“This administration, in nominations, is not interested in people who have been critical of it,” Professor Adler...

“This administration, in nominations, is not interested in people who have been critical of it,” Professor Adler said. “There is a belief that there is an element of vindictiveness in the administration that casts a shadow.”

“The president has attacked the Justice Department for indictments of Republican congressmen on the stated ground that prosecutions would hurt Republican chances in the midterm elections, and he’s urged that the Justice Department investigate his political opponents,” Mr. Keisler said. “That’s a fundamentally wrong and very dangerous view of the criminal justice system, and people from both parties and across the political spectrum should condemn it.”

If you haven't heard already, conservatives are getting annoyed at #DonaldTrump's undermining of the rule of law. Some even want to speak out against Trump's antics and are trying to convince others to do so as well. But will #TrumpNation care? All they seem to care about is Hillary's emails and Obama's, well, Obama's anything.

The uphill battle these lawyers are going to face is the decades of Republicans dumbing down their base.


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