So, let's be clear: a "trained" Border Patrol agent had rocks thrown at him over a 37ft wall from 100 feet away and...

So, let's be clear: a "trained" Border Patrol agent had rocks thrown at him over a 37ft wall from 100 feet away and he was afraid for his life? How big of a pansy is Agent Swartz?

I can barely throw a rock 100ft, I sure as hell wouldn't be scared for my life being hit by one. I might be annoyed, but not scared.

Swartz claimed on the witness stand that he was protecting himself and fellow agents from the rocks, which Elena had been lobbing up and over a 37-foot barrier from about 100 feet away. He was afraid for his life, and followed his training to eliminate the threat, he testified. Swartz said he saw a second gunman, and that’s why he kept shooting after the boy fell.


su ann lim said…
Thirteen of the bullets he shot hit the boy, 10 in the back. This is response to rocks being thrown 100 ft away over a 37 ft wall?

There's little doubt the US is, as the article states, giving the green light for American forces carrying arms to unnecessarily use deadly force.
Most of those border agents are hoping they get to kill people. That's why they joined.
Keith Keber said…
J Stone I often wonder what qualifiers these "law enforcement" agencies use to determine whether candidates for open positions have the requisite amount of bloodthirst. I bet they can estimate it pretty well by now.
Shane Liebling said…
Sounds disturbingly similar to child deaths in Palestine...
Jason ON said…
Shane Liebling exactly. Cross border killings under dubious claims of threat.
su ann lim said…
J Stone I don't doubt what you say... but if there are so many blood thirsty border agents already in place ready to use deadly force, there must be an ulterior motive for assigning another ~6000 soldiers there with the order to use lethal force...

I sure hope it's not the Commander-in-chief getting his troops ready and comfortable to shoot at whoever he tells orders them to shoot at.

su ann lim
Oh.. I fully believe that is what him and FOX have been brainwashing his dumpsters for. A personal mob that he can unleash if he decides he needs to. I fear we haven't seen the depths that dump can and will go to. He is an abuser and abusers would rather see a thing destroyed than flourish in another's hands.
Olaf Fichtner said…
Snowflakes. They have guns and body armor. If they were annoyed (Threatened? You got to be kidding!), they could either have used water or simply step back a few meters. Or step closer to the barrier, same result. Ballistics, didn't they learn that?
CBP are Trump's Brownshirts, and ICE are his SS.
Jason ON said…
Olaf Fichtner it still amazes me how we in the military (I'm a vet) learn the rules of engagement and have to abide by them in a warzone, but civilian police don't have such standards when dealing with civilians.
Shane Liebling said…
Jason ON I'd recommend a book to you that might convince you that what you see as a "bug" is actually a "feature" of the system... - Our Enemies in Blue | AK Press
Shane Liebling said…
Damn. I had two copies for a while but donated one.

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