I would have thought that Big League Chew wouldn't exactly be politically correct these days.

I would have thought that Big League Chew wouldn't exactly be politically correct these days. I mean, when i was a kid we always convinced my mom to buy the "baseball" gum, but chewing tobacco isn't exactly welcome these days and having a candy that emulates chewing tobacco isn't exactly kosher anymore. Or am i wrong?


Binoy Gowala said…
The picture is nice...
Shane Liebling said…
True... But man that grape flavor tasted so goood...
Jon Mallin said…
I saw a store that still has candy cigarettes... And what about those black licorice Sherlock Holmes pipes?
Steve Johnson said…
Maybe not PC in Denver, but in Kansas City? Atlanta? Dallas?
Jason ON said…
Jon Mallin I don't think I've ever seen those before.
Jason ON said…
Steve Johnson it's a global world. There is no more safety in regionalism.
Remember back in the day we hit chewing gum that was made into a cigarette
Jason ON said…
Elizabeth Coleman exactly my point. Those sorts of chewing gum were banned because they supposedly taught children that smoking is fun. The same should be said for Bug League Chew which emulates chewing tobacco.
Shane Liebling said…
Banned from where? I can buy them a block from my house. (All of the above.)
I don’t know what’s up with the kids now days they want to do everything the grownups
Jason ON said…
Shane Liebling they still have candy "cigarettes" where you live?
Shane Liebling said…
Yup. Two different types.
Jason ON said…
Shane Liebling where do you live, Somalia?
Jason ON said…
Shane Liebling really? Liberal NYC still has candy cigarettes? Wow.
Shane Liebling said…
They're for the ironic hipsters.

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