Jason's Giant Headache is caused by which of the following?

Jason's Giant Headache is caused by which of the following?

(Image not related)


Nate Taylor said…
I chose poor life choices. But I think it should read poor current life scenario. Cause and effect out of ones control is hardly a choice.
Jason ON said…
Nate Taylor but it's life choices that brought me to my current situation. We are all the sums of our past, in fact.
Nate Taylor said…
I get you, I do. But you didn't choose to bang some rando douche from the bar.
That doesn't relate to you decade old decisions. Just my 2¢.
And man I hope things look up for you!
Jason ON said…
Nate Taylor for the record, I have banged my fair share of randos from the bar. Hell, your fair share, too. I wasn't always fat and poor. ;)
Jason ON said…
For what it's worth I just took a shitload butt load of ibuprofen. Hopefully it will help me sleep and wake up without this pounding headache.
Jason ON said…
Neil Lund I don't think so ...
Neil Lund said…
Jason ON It go away?
Jason ON said…
For the most part. I think the ibuprofen is wearing off.

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