Damn. There were some great products in there, products that far surpass Google's current offerings.

Damn. There were some great products in there, products that far surpass Google's current offerings.

Which one do you miss the most? And why.

Originally shared by John Hardy

Google is just one great big cemetary.


Aleks Fatuesi said…
Buzz was fun, but Reader is the only one I really miss. It was great for managing my various news feeds. I haven't really used RSS since.
I remember when iGoogle was a thing--we all could take charge of our
Google start pages and customize the hell out of them. I had just about everything I would need all on that start page--actually 3 of them. When the pulled the plug on it I was pissed but I got over it.

Still irate over the death of Reader. Took the longest time to find a decent replacement. Currently alternating between Feedly and Flipboard for that.

When they kill the Plus I may just go back to sending letters to people.
Alan Mason said…
I am for sure going to miss Google PLUS.
I find it to be a safe environment within which to communicate among friends. Much better than Facebook!!

Picasa also had a LOT to offer for easy access to ones photos. I find Google Photos to be very wishy-washy!!

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