So, just to be clear:

So, just to be clear:

It was a gender reveal party.
The sex was going to be revealed via blue (or pink) powder coming off a target.
The target had enough explosive (tannerite) to release the powder.
The place they we're shooting was a no shooting allowed location.
A fire sparked.
The fire burned 75 acres.
The fire burned numerous homes.

The guy received a $100k fine, payable in installments and probation?


Hold on a sec...

This event happened close (~50 miles) to me.

"He also was ordered to make an initial payment of $100,000 in restitution and monthly payments of $500."

Now, from local news: - Man started 47K-acre fire w/gender reveal party

"He also has to pay a restitution totaling $8,188,069 with an initial payment of $100,000, according to the release."

So, at $500/month, $8 million dollars is gonna take him forever to repay that little debt.

He's still employed with CBP. This is a person that will never retire.

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