Does #DonaldTrump even understand the oath of office he took to protect the Constitution?

Does #DonaldTrump even understand the oath of office he took to protect the Constitution? Does he understand what the Constitution says? Will #TrumpNation mind that he's eroding the separation of powers and attacking and equal branch of government? For three years he's been de-legitimizing the press, now he's threatened to go after the newly elected Democratic House and turning his gaze upon the Supreme Court. When will the #GOP believe enough is enough? When will they stand for America over their demagogue?

“This is like the low a country has hit because this is not just a president who continuously attacks the independence of the judiciary, he consistently attacks the independence of any institution that suggests he can’t do whatever he wants when he wants,” she explained.

via Joseph Milan

Originally shared by Political News

#politics #Democrats #Resist #TheResistance #NotMyPresident #NeverTrump The White House thinks they can beat John Roberts using Twitter: MSNBC analyst - Washington Post reporter Bob Costa warned that it’s clear the White House thinks they can win in a war against chief justice John Roberts, separation of powers be damned. “Republicans on Capitol Hill do share the worry about this kind of engagement with the chief justice of the Supreme C... The post The White House thinks they can beat John...


su ann lim said…
He lied when he made the oath (or walked backsies on it.)
Nandlal Shah said…
Hey Justice Roberts, here you have one more reason to impeach him ;)
Jason ON said…
Nandlal Shah except the SCOTUS is not involved in the impeachment process. House and Senate. That's it.
Nandlal Shah said…
Jason ON I know but wish they would. Holiday wish

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