George HW Bush has died.
Showing posts from November, 2018
The Library of Congress is crowdsourcing translations.
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I've never written a #script in my life but I'm wondering if it's a skill set I should pick up.
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At the border, the USA is closed for business.
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At the border, the USA is closed for business. “CBP summarily turning them away with no questions whatsoever potentially puts people at risk and is in violation of [the agency’s] legal responsibility to inspect and process people who are presenting themselves to agents at the ports,” he said. “Without any conversation with that person, those agents have no idea if that family or individuals were Mexican citizens, immediately fleeing violence in Juarez or any other situations they may have been facing.”
Some are seeing #DonaldTrump's attacks on immigrants and asylum seekers as a call-to-arms and so they're grabbing...
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Some are seeing #DonaldTrump's attacks on immigrants and asylum seekers as a call-to-arms and so they're grabbing their tents, their camo and their rifles and heading to the border to protect the USA from hungry, thirsty, unarmed migrants. “The militia just needs to stay where they are,” said Metz, a Republican. “We don’t need fanatical people. We don’t need anybody here with guns. Why do they have guns? I have dealt with illegals for 30 years, and all of them have been scared, asking for help. The militias need to stay up north where they belong. We have no use for them here. They might shoot someone or hurt someone.”
I've been seeing these touch screen pop up everywhere.
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I've been seeing these touch screen pop up everywhere. Not so much at McDonald's, since i don't eat there, but many other places. I never use them and am now glad I don't. Originally shared by Chris Kim A Samples were taken from the new machines that have been rolled out at restaurants across the country – every one of them had coliforms. Senior lecturer in microbiology at London Metropolitan University Dr Paul Matewele said: ‘We were all surprised how much gut and faecal bacteria there was on the touchscreen machines. These cause the kind of infections that people pick up in hospitals.
Qwant created an artificial intelligence system called Iceberg to select and prioritize content.
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Qwant created an artificial intelligence system called Iceberg to select and prioritize content. Iceberg’s algorithms take into account a range of criteria such as the technical and editorial quality of the text or image, links to the page, comments and mentions on social networks, the user’s online behavior. "Of course, Qwant is subjective because we decide on the importance assigned to each criterion. But at the same time, our results are neutral because, in the end, no humans correct them," says Leandri. Originally shared by iquanyin
Albert Einstein quote.
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Albert Einstein quote. "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Forknowledge is limited, whereas imaginationembraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution." #SciFi
Before Homo Sapiens killed off all our cousins, Earth was practically a cornucopia of hominids.
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Before Homo Sapiens killed off all our cousins, Earth was practically a cornucopia of hominids. To put these dates into perspective, our species, Homo sapiens, emerged 300,000 years ago. So the unknown hominins who built these tools were romping around eastern and northern Africa some 2.3 million years before modern humans hit the scene. The new discoveries at Ain Boucherit, the details of which were published today in Science, suggest North Africa wasn’t just a place where human ancestors lived and developed tools—it was a place where they evolved.
I would have thought that Big League Chew wouldn't exactly be politically correct these days.
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I would have thought that Big League Chew wouldn't exactly be politically correct these days. I mean, when i was a kid we always convinced my mom to buy the "baseball" gum, but chewing tobacco isn't exactly welcome these days and having a candy that emulates chewing tobacco isn't exactly kosher anymore. Or am i wrong?
So, just to be clear:
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So, just to be clear: It was a gender reveal party. The sex was going to be revealed via blue (or pink) powder coming off a target. The target had enough explosive (tannerite) to release the powder. The place they we're shooting was a no shooting allowed location. A fire sparked. The fire burned 75 acres. The fire burned numerous homes. The guy received a $100k fine, payable in installments and probation?
And I'd be willing to bet the GOP members have absolutely no qualms with Christian interests over secular interests.
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While I was watching this (again) I couldn't help but notice the similarities between the fools people who believe...
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While I was watching this (again) I couldn't help but notice the similarities between the fools people who believe in the so-called prosperity doctrine and the fools people who voted for #DonaldTrump. How many times have you heard someone from #TrumpNation say the Donald is/will make a great president because he's rich? Or, he's qualified to lead the free world (a position he's abdicated on behalf of the USA, by the way) because he's wealthy? These are the same people he told he'd pay for his own campaign and then asked for money to run his campaign and they obliged by sending him money. If you have twenty minutes, this is (always) a great video. If you don't, well, you're missing out.
This guy claims to be an internet/social media marketing expert and fails spectacularly at social media (and, I'm...
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This guy claims to be an internet/social media marketing expert and fails spectacularly at social media (and, I'm guessing, the internet, too). Yes, I understand he's using some third party service to dump his lack of content over here on the Ploos, but that only reinforces my belief that he doesn't know what he's doing.
Does anyone here remember a few years ago when the Right was wailing on about Obama's "drone strikes" killing...
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Does anyone here remember a few years ago when the Right was wailing on about Obama's "drone strikes" killing innocent people? Apparently the murder of non-combatants during GWB's presidency wasn't a problem, such collateral damage was deemed forgiveable. But Obama? He was somehow the anti-christ. And now I doubt we'll hear anything beyond a few headlines about this during #DonaldTrump's tenure as Commander-in-Chief. Originally shared by Chris Kim A The U.S.-led coalition against ISIS has so far verified 104 unintended civilian casualties caused by its attacks in Raqqa, Syria. But rescue workers there estimate the real tally is much higher — likely in the "thousands."
Because the GOP isn't known for actually being able to think five seconds past a tax cut.
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Finally had a chance to see Venom.
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Finally had a chance to see Venom . It was ... not good. I still don't see how you can have the symbiote in the Spider-Man mythos without first having it attached to Peter Parker. The acting was sub-par. The plot was silly. The symbiote named itself Venom ? Because outer space goo-aliens have English names? The symbiote considered itself a loser? Since when? Eddie Brock's and the symbiote's undying hatred for Peter Parker are what fueled their bond, not some sort of genetic match. The symbiote survived for years on Spider-Man without having to eat people, but now it can't go days without human kibble? There was just so much wrong with this film.
The first trailer for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse has over 30 million views.
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The first trailer for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse has over 30 million views. Of course Sony is already greenlighting sequels. If 30 million people go see the first movie that's a pretty big paycheck for Sony's Spider-Man investment. 30 x $12 (average ticket price) = 360. Add a bunch of zeroes and that's not too shabby: $360,000,000.
Parking this here to read later (when aforementioned headache isn't pounding in my skull).
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Jason's Giant Headache is caused by which of the following?
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My Mind's A-Wandering
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I know I haven't blogged recently and for that I'm (a little) sorry. I wish I could say life's been busy, but it hasn't - I've just been tired. You see, sleeping in my truck isn't as fun as I'm making it sound. Not only is the back of my truck (a SUV) cramped so I can't spread out, but the walls aren't necessarily soundproof so I spend the entire evening listening to cars going by, horns blaring, music thumping and the occasional police car whirring in the night. And then there are nights like the other night were the wind was excessive. Oh, and the cold. Not that it's been terribly cold these past couple of nights, but for some reason I've felt it more and that's made all the difference. Slipping my head into the sleeping bag makes me feel claustrophobic but keeping my head out means my breath is making icicles, my ears and nose are freezing and I'm constantly rolling around or covering my head. Each move only wakes me up further....
#GooglePhotos reminded me that 7 years ago today we were at the dog park and Rufus was in a tree.
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For those of you looking for a bear to poke, this class act is the epitome of #TrumpNation and needs a good poking.
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For those of you looking for a bear to poke, this class act is the epitome of #TrumpNation and needs a good poking. Or, you know, just block and report enough that his G+ page is banned. He's already crying about how Facebook is removing all his posts because of their hate speech.
Your feel-good moment of the day brought to you by puppies.
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We already knew Melania Trump had terrible tastes (I mean, look at who she decided to marry) but terrible...
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We already knew Melania Trump had terrible tastes (I mean, look at who she decided to marry) but terrible decorations two years in a row? Eegads! Originally shared by Sarah Rios This looks extra photo-shopped BUT ISN'T, and I think that might be the most horrific thing of all.
The President’s lawyers ironically begged the judge to overturn the precedent of Clinton vs.
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The President’s lawyers ironically begged the judge to overturn the precedent of Clinton vs. Jones, which White House senior advisor Kellanne Conway’s husband won in the late 1990s at the US Supreme Court and decreed that presidents must be held accountable in civil court for their own private actions. The ultimate irony here is that it was the Republicans targeting Bill Clinton that created this precedent and now #DonaldTrump and the GOP must deal with the fallout from their own actions. Originally shared by Keith Roy Franklin Time will tell.
Can anyone name a single time when "privatization" actually made things less expensive?
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Can anyone name a single time when "privatization" actually made things less expensive? The cost of expanding private care is hard to predict, but VA officials have told Congress and veterans groups that it will range from $13.9 billion to $32.1 billion over five years, the four people said. Since the administration opposes lifting overall government spending, Democrats say the increased cost of private care will come at the expense of the VA’s own health system. Some lawmakers said the administration’s plan defies the purpose of the law they passed.
Frequent #DonaldTrump defender thinks the Mueller report will be devastating for Trump. And he's probably right.
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Frequent #DonaldTrump defender thinks the Mueller report will be devastating for Trump. And he's probably right. "When I say devastating, I mean it's going to paint a picture that's going to be politically very devastating," he said. "I still don't think it's going to make a criminal case, because collusion is not criminal."
And while you were dealing with family this past weekend the GOP has decided to exercise it's remaining power and...
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And while you were dealing with family this past weekend the GOP has decided to exercise it's remaining power and subpoena Comey and Lynch to a private testimony. The Republicans aren't interested in a public hearing though. They're interested in controlling the narrative no matter what's actually said by either Lynch or Comey. Comey tweeted Thursday: "Happy Thanksgiving. Got a subpoena from House Republicans. I’m still happy to sit in the light and answer all questions. But I will resist a “closed door” thing because I’ve seen enough of their selective leaking and distortion. Let’s have a hearing and invite everyone to see."
Was Freddie Mercury the greatest singer ever?
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Was Freddie Mercury the greatest singer ever? Well, we can't know for sure as humanity's history with singers goes far beyond our ability to record, measure and compare different vocal artists, but no one can dispute he's one of the greatest vocal talents in modern history.
Your feel-good moment of the day is brought to you by Cosmo.
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Ciro Villa
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Ciro Villa Hey, did you turn off commenting on your posts for everyone or just for me? If it's for everyone, great, I'll go ahead and uncircle you as there's no point in continuing to follow you if I can't comment. If you turned off commenting just for me, great, I"ll go ahead and uncircle you as there's no point in following you if I can't comment. Let a brother know. Thanks, Jason
Toms will send a postcard to your representative for you to urge them to stand up for gun safety, specifically...
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I haven't even finished reading this article yet, I wanted to share it so fast.
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I haven't even finished reading this article yet, I wanted to share it so fast. Damian Collins, the chair of the culture, media and sport select committee, invoked a rare parliamentary mechanism to compel the founder of a US software company, Six4Three, to hand over the documents during a business trip to London. In another exceptional move, parliament sent a serjeant at arms to his hotel with a final warning and a two-hour deadline to comply with its order. When the software firm founder failed to do so, it’s understood he was escorted to parliament. He was told he risked fines and even imprisonment if he didn’t hand over the documents. #Facebook #Zuckerberg
Excellently written response to the so-called War of Christmas.
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Let's not mince words here. #DonaldTrump is a dick.
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Let's not mince words here. #DonaldTrump is a dick. Originally shared by Chris Kim A I’m not even American, but I just spat out a turkey dinner. Apple’s Siri digital assistant thinks that President Donald Trump is a penis. If you use an iPhone to ask Siri how old Donald Trump is, you’ll be greeted with a picture of a penis instead of a photo of the President. At the time of writing, the penis picture keeps coming and going. Presumably, someone is editing the Wikipedia page associated with Donald Trump, or gaming the algorithm that Siri uses to source images.
If Berliners can foil the rise of the alt-Right then the rest of the world can as well.
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If Berliners can foil the rise of the alt-Right then the rest of the world can as well. via su ann lim Originally shared by Anne-Marie Clark Berliners have shown how to stop the march of the far right "The demise of German fascist group Wir für Deutschland shows that citizens can unite to banish hatred" ... "Something significant has just occurred in Berlin. The far-right group Wir für Deutschland (We for Germany), which has been marching in the capital since 2016, has just announced that it will no longer protest there. Explaining the decision in a frustration-filled statement on Facebook, Wir für Deutschland credited three factors in particular..."
Twitter Sucks
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Whe does Twitter suck? Let's face it, you can't have a decent discussion on something that's supposed to be a "social" media outlet when you're confined to the limited number of characters Twitter allot per post. Sure, they've made strides in recent years to increase the number of characters one could put into a single post, first by no longer counting names and URLs in the total and then by actually increasing the character allotment (I believe it's at 240 now, up from 140), but it's still not enough. I've been tempted to give a try, but haven't made an account over there yet. I just wish the collective zeitgeist would move on from Facebook (which sucks for it's own reasons) and Twitter.
So, let's be clear: a "trained" Border Patrol agent had rocks thrown at him over a 37ft wall from 100 feet away and...
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So, let's be clear: a "trained" Border Patrol agent had rocks thrown at him over a 37ft wall from 100 feet away and he was afraid for his life? How big of a pansy is Agent Swartz? I can barely throw a rock 100ft, I sure as hell wouldn't be scared for my life being hit by one. I might be annoyed, but not scared. Swartz claimed on the witness stand that he was protecting himself and fellow agents from the rocks, which Elena had been lobbing up and over a 37-foot barrier from about 100 feet away. He was afraid for his life, and followed his training to eliminate the threat, he testified. Swartz said he saw a second gunman, and that’s why he kept shooting after the boy fell.
Have I mentioned how much Twitter sucks? Sure, it's great for broadcasting, but actually having a discussion? No.
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Has Facebook violated the inherent trust people put into the site in an effort to keep the (advertising) dollars...
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Has Facebook violated the inherent trust people put into the site in an effort to keep the (advertising) dollars coming in, or are they just practicing the old mantra "greed is good" as they try to capitalize on their market dominance? I guess the answer is directly related to how wealthy Facebook is making you. In Washington, Republicans and Democrats threatened to restrain Facebook through competition laws and to open investigations into possible campaign finance violations. Shareholders ramped up calls to oust Mr. Zuckerberg as Facebook’s chairman. And activists filed a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission about the social network’s privacy policies and condemned Ms. Sandberg, the chief operating officer, for overseeing a campaign to secretly attack opponents. Originally shared by Amber Mac Pretty in-depth article about the latest #Facebook troubles: "Mark Zuckerberg Defends Facebook as Furor Over Its Tactics Grows"
Damn. There were some great products in there, products that far surpass Google's current offerings.
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Some guy on Twitter was harrassing a comic book personality I follow.
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Some guy on Twitter was harrassing a comic book personality I follow. Not knowing what he was going on about I decided to do a little digging and, it turns out, comic book publishing had their very own little gamergate fiasco. Who knew? It included discussion over which kind of paedophiles Mark Waid, Dan Slott and Brian Bendis were. That Devin Grayson ‘literally sucked her way into the comic industry’ and that Waid ‘left his wife so he can go frickin’ hit on cosplay girls’. That Matt Santori-Griffith ‘is a fucking fag. He’s just this like flouncing-like super dramatic. Everything is rape, everything is harassment, everything bigotry. I’ve actually found that’s fairly common. One of the things is just like these people they don’t have lives they don’t have families.’ That Heather Antos ‘is a cum dumpster who got a job at Marvel because… Jordan White is a sad sack perv who jacked off to her… the story is that she went and saw him at a convention. It’s like, I’d like to be an editor and h...
In #TrumpNation, nearly half of Native Americans are not "Indian enough" to maintain their tribal status and their...
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In #TrumpNation, nearly half of Native Americans are not "Indian enough" to maintain their tribal status and their lands. The legal battle over the Mashpee reservation started in 2016, when casino developer Neil Bluhm wanted to open a casino in a part of Massachusetts set aside for tribal gaming only. He financially backed a small group of residents from the city of Taunton, where the tribe planned to open a casino, to sue the Department of Interior, demanding the agency revoke the reservation’s trust status. In July 2016, the Taunton residents won. #DonaldTrump
If this doesn't terrify you regarding the direction #DonaldTrump is taking this once great nation, you aren't paying...
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If this doesn't terrify you regarding the direction #DonaldTrump is taking this once great nation, you aren't paying attention. And to do this on a national holiday when far too few of us are paying attention to the news is cowardly. Mattis’ assurances did little to quell criticism from advocacy groups worried about Trump’s increasingly dangerous actions and rhetoric as thousands of migrants — mostly from Central America — line up in Tijuana, Mexico, and elsewhere to try to enter the country to request asylum. The president had previously suggested that troops would be allowed to fire upon migrants if any of them threw rocks at the U.S. troops, but neither the Pentagon nor the Department of Homeland Security backed up that assertion. The question is, will US troops open fire on unarmed civilians? I'm sure some will as #TrumpNation has it's hooks in the armed forces, but I'm hoping not won't. This is not making the USA great, it's making us terrible. https://...
Does #DonaldTrump even understand the oath of office he took to protect the Constitution?
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Does #DonaldTrump even understand the oath of office he took to protect the Constitution? Does he understand what the Constitution says? Will #TrumpNation mind that he's eroding the separation of powers and attacking and equal branch of government? For three years he's been de-legitimizing the press, now he's threatened to go after the newly elected Democratic House and turning his gaze upon the Supreme Court. When will the #GOP believe enough is enough? When will they stand for America over their demagogue? “This is like the low a country has hit because this is not just a president who continuously attacks the independence of the judiciary, he consistently attacks the independence of any institution that suggests he can’t do whatever he wants when he wants,” she explained. via Joseph Milan Originally shared by Political News #politics #Democrats #Resist #TheResistance #NotMyPresident #NeverTrump The White House thinks they can beat John Roberts using Twitter: MSNBC analys...
Mike Elgan shut down comments on his original post so I'm sharing this here for commentary.
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Mike Elgan shut down comments on his original post so I'm sharing this here for commentary. I knew some foods we eat came from Mexico (or the region we now call Mexico) but had no idea so many other staples in modern meals originated south of the border. Also, Mexican food is delicious.
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For those of you who have been paying attention: it's winter(ish) in Colorado and for the past year by SUV's heat hasn't worked. Sure, the air gets hot, but the fan blower stopped working sometime last year leaving me without heat and defrost. No bueno! I always thought I'd get it taken care of when I had some disposable income, but that never seems to happen and after last weekend when the temperature was less than 25f for the day with freezing rain, I decided it was time to go ahead and get this problem fixed. But, let me do this chonologically: Many moons ago my fan blower decided to stop working except for the "High" setting. That is, one step below High and all the way to Low didn't spin the fan at all. It wasn't a big deal, I just drove around for years with the fan on high. Sure, every once in a bit someone would turn the fan off and sometimes it would turn back on right away, but sometimes it's wouldn't. It eventually would come b...
I'm still trying to figure out how The Shining is supposed to be scary.
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States across this nation banned parts of Craigslist due to the perception that sex slavery and/or prostitution was...
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States across this nation banned parts of Craigslist due to the perception that sex slavery and/or prostitution was running rampant on there. I wonder what will become of Facebook? Will lawmakers try and control the site Zuckerberg and his team seem unwilling or unable to, or will they let Facebook be Facebook? Originally shared by Chris Kim A A 16-year-old South Sudanese girl was sold off for marriage to the highest bidder on Facebook in November, raising concerns that the platform has become a “latter-day slave market.”
For some reason I can't comment on the original post, which is why we have this one.
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For some reason I can't comment on the original post, which is why we have this one. I'd heard of the indigenous tribes in the Amazon who have little to no contact with the modern world, but this tribe, of roughly 50 people, living so far removed from the world is amazing. Anthropologist and sociologists must be foaming at the mouth knowing it's illegal to contact the tribe in any way, shape or form. On a side note: this should always be the response when missionaries com a-calling.
You really should take a moment to read this article.
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You really should take a moment to read this article. It's very enlightening and shows the casual disregard #TrumpNation has for reality. “No matter how racist, how bigoted, how offensive, how obviously fake we get, people keep coming back,” Blair once wrote, on his own personal Facebook page. “Where is the edge? Is there ever a point where people realize they’re being fed garbage and decide to return to reality?” .... She scrolled upon another post from America’s Last Line of Defense, reading fast, oblivious to the satire labels and not noticing Blair’s trademark awkward phrasings and misspellings. It showed a group of children kneeling on prayer mats in a classroom. “California School children forced to Sharia in Class,” it read. “All of them have stopped eating bacon. Two began speaking in Allah. Stop making children pray to imaginary Gods!!”
Do you like art? Well, do ya, punk?
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Do you like art? Well, do ya, punk? Seriously though, if art is your thing, the Met has some good news for you. You could pay $118 on Amazon for the Metropolitan Museum of Art's catalog The Art of Illumination: The Limbourg Brothers and the Belles Heures of Jean de France, Duc de Berry. Or you could pay $0 to download it at MetPublications, the site offering "five decades of Met Museum publications on art history available to read, download, and/or search for free."
"I will consider whatever ideas are presented to me, but only if they are consistent with the absolute security and...
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"I will consider whatever ideas are presented to me, but only if they are consistent with the absolute security and safety of America," he [Trump] wrote. It makes one wonder if Saudi Arabia either has something on #DonaldTrump or he's so traumatized by 9/11 that he's scared of another attack if the Saudi Arabian doesn't get what it wants from the USA. In #TrumpNation we're living in a bizarro world where up is down, left is right; allies are scorned and despots are praised. Seriously, the note I think about it, Donald Trump seems like the beta-male, always sucking up to whom he feels is powerful because he's insecure enough to know he'll never be an alpha. Originally shared by NBC News President Donald Trump, in exclamation point-filled formal presidential statement, said that his administration would stand by Saudia Arabia's rulers and take no actions against them over the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Life Update
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A couple of things happened recently that I want to talk about today. [1] New Debit Card This morning I saw an email from my bank saying my new debit card was on the way. Great. But why am I getting a new debit card? Well, the going theory is my card's had some "unusual usage" recently and the bank just decided to send me a new one. What was unusual ? I don't know, so I went to the bank this morning to ask. Per the head teller and the banker, nothing unusual had occurred. All purchases were made by me, but apparently the singular act of making purchases was enough to alarm Wells Fargo, not to contact me, but to send me a new card immediately. The annoying part is, there was nothing I nor the banker could do to stop the whole process. As I explained the banker, the address he verified for the card to be delivered to is my brother's house in Florida. He said he'd just change the address to my Colorado one, but - guess what? - I have no Colorado ad...
So, there's this whole underbelly of Amazon I couldn't even imagine existed.
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So, there's this whole underbelly of Amazon I couldn't even imagine existed. #DonaldTrump #TrumpNation
But ... her emails!
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But ... her emails! Austin Evers, executive director of the liberal watchdog group American Oversight, whose record requests sparked the White House discovery, said it strained credulity that Trump’s daughter did not know that government officials should not use private emails for official business. “There’s the obvious hypocrisy that her father ran on the misuse of personal email as a central tenet of his campaign,” Evers said. “There is no reasonable suggestion that she didn’t know better. Clearly everyone joining the Trump administration should have been on high alert about personal email use.” In #TrumpNation it's only wrong if a Democrat does it.
Reminds Me So Much of Kincorra
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The dog in this video, Chaser, reminds me so much of my dog before Rufus. Her name was/is Kincorra. She, too, knew the names of all her toys and countless other phrases. In fact, it's by her example that I often referred to Rufus as Dummy or Retard . He was just never as smart as she was, but make no mistake: he was smart in his own way. As Aesop Jr. (apparently) said, "Everything is a genius in it's own way, but if you just a fish by it's ability to climb a tree it will go it's whole life believing it's stupid."
Some woman on Twitter said she liked watching Twilight because it made her feel like the teenage girl she no longer...
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Some woman on Twitter said she liked watching Twilight because it made her feel like the teenage girl she no longer was. She mentioned, "You're never too old for Twilight." I responded with, "Yeah, but you can be too mature." She came back with, "I don't know what that means." (I am, of course, paraphrasing the quotes) So, I shared this piece with her: While reading this, I saw a lot of my former roommate's new boyfreind in Edward. Now let's take a look at the male "love" interest. Edward also displays many stereotypical characteristics of abusers. First, one of his hallmark characteristics is his control over Bella and his attempts to isolate her from others. Abusers often use this tactic as a way of ensuring that their victims have no way to escape should they attempt to do so. After he decides that he wants her, he's qu...
Lots of reports over the weekend letting us know #DonaldTrump isn't happy and he's lashing out at anyone he can.
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Lots of reports over the weekend letting us know #DonaldTrump isn't happy and he's lashing out at anyone he can. Some people will take it (Mitch McConnell), but I have a feeling some in the GOP will start distancing themselves from #TrumpNation due to voter's reactions this year. "I think the immigration rhetoric lost us several seats in Hispanic districts, and it's not going to get better in 2020," lamented one GOP operative who worked on the midterms. "There is no district we lost here that we are going to win in 2020 - and it's going to hurt recruiting, quite honestly." Originally shared by Joseph Milan A psychopathic 2019 The Memo: Trump seethes, two weeks after midterms.
If everyone #DonaldTrump appoints to a position is suddenly arrested and charged with crimes two things will happen:
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If everyone #DonaldTrump appoints to a position is suddenly arrested and charged with crimes two things will happen: [1] No one will take a Trump appointment, leaving a lot of positions unfilled, ensuring government comes to a standstill, and [2] When next there is a Democratic president any GOP majority will search high and low for skeletons in closets. I mean, they vehemently went after Clinton for just about everything and tried to create scandals out of nothing for eight years. Pretty soon, no one will be qualified to work in government because the opposition party will crucify them, whether such crucifixion is warranted or not. Originally shared by Chris Kim A The Trump administration’s top environmental official for the Southeast was arrested Thursday on criminal ethics charges in Alabama reported to be related to a scheme to help a coal company avoid paying for a costly toxic waste cleanup. Trey Glenn, 47, was briefly booked into a county jail in Birmingham before being released...