Uh-oh. Drama at the Bundy Brigade's "revolution."

Uh-oh. Drama at the Bundy Brigade's "revolution."

Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

Originally shared by Rich LaDuca

Soon enough these nutcases will start insisting that their inability to be civil was because the 'gubmint' did psy-ops on them then sprayed them with mind control chemicals...


Paul Ferguson said…
Not the smartest humans...
Jack Carlson said…
We'd never waste our expensive mind control chemicals on that bunch.
This is the worst mobile webpage ever. I had to read between the dignity banner, most annoying.
Bodhipaksa said…
But I thought an armed society was a polite society (when people aren't blowing each other away, that is).
Stephen Dickson said…
Just average yanks. The real bad ones make it into government.

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