What a great story about those terrorists Syrian refugees. I can only guess the GOP candidates are wrong - again.

What a great story about those terrorists Syrian refugees. I can only guess the GOP candidates are wrong - again.

Originally shared by Lerato Majikfaerie

A tale of two humans
A Syrian refugee who traveled for several grueling weeks and the single, heathen woman from Manchester who took him in.
It's a lovely article, and shows just how very human Syrian refugees are. And how very not terrorists - it's terrorism that they're fleeing; war and persecution.
And here's a heartwarming story of how a whole community can integrate refugees, and those refugees aren't bad people or scary monsters. They're just people. Highlighting the differences are lines like, in England people worry about how best to hang their curtains, in Syria they worry about bombs coming in the window.
Also, a Syrian refugee dressing as David Cameron for Hallowe'en is hilarious.

#humanrights #refugees #Syria



Hugh Smith said…
This is because Manchester England is a Syrian Muslim stronghold. Not even the Army go there.... They have their own money called manc.riyal. I tell you is true I spoke with a security expert in Best Buy.
Bodhipaksa said…
Someone's been reading too much right wing propaganda. Manchester a no-go area for the army. Hilarious!
Bodhipaksa said…
Ah! Thanks for the heads-up. Must not comment before having my morning cup of tea!
Jason ON said…
The "security expert at Best Buy" gave it away.

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