Kansas is a Tea Party darling state.

Kansas is a Tea Party darling state. It's conservatism has even scared some conservatives and we all know how much conservatives love to be scared (https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-human-beast/201104/conservatives-big-fear-brain-study-finds) of the world around them. So, it's not surprise that a Conservative from Kansas is trying to take his state back to the 1930s.

Why the 1930s, you ask? What makes you think of that decade in particular? Well, Billy, it's simple. You see, earlier today I saw this: https://plus.google.com/+BackintheusaUs/posts/81PWV3eNR2V and then I saw the article below.

Funny how the world sometimes reaches out to you and shoves your face in it.


Steve Thompson said…
Nothing says, 'Can't get none' louder than making a rule to stop people from getting you aroused.

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