Proof that water needs to be protected for the welfare of all and what do the Republicans do?

Proof that water needs to be protected for the welfare of all and what do the Republicans do? They gut environmental water protections, that's what.

But hey, the market will take care of it.


Lorne Thomas said…
More low brow propaganda to try to influence the simple minded? Are you sure you are a Democrat? This really is too simplistic. I am starting to think that you are a Republican trying to discredit the Democratic party with retarded posts like this.
Jason ON said…
I'm neither a Republican nor a Democrat, so your black and white view of things won't work here.
Lorne Thomas said…
So, your a socialist?
Steve Thompson said…
I think he's just a person who enjoys a glass of non-toxic water every now and then.
Lorne Thomas said…
Na, that't too highbrow. This is a man who must label everything and every one, just look at his posts.
Jason ON said…
Welcome to the human condition. We label things. You, for example, have tried to label me a liberal, a Democrat and now a socialist.
Lorne Thomas said…
No, I am a liberal democrat. I don' know what you are. What does your voter registration card say? Or do you not vote?
Jason ON said…
I vote whenever I can. Regardless, a piece paper is yet another label. For the record, I am what is normally called, a critical thinker. You're trying to shoehorn everything into your preconceived biases.
Lorne Thomas said…
You are not a critical thinker.
Jason ON said…
Sure I am. It says so on my degree.
Lorne Thomas said…
Guess you need to go back to what ever school that issued it and kick some ass.
Jason ON said…
Well, the good news is your opinion doesn't matter to me. So there's that.
Lorne Thomas said…
So, are you a socialist then?

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