It'll never happen.

It'll never happen. Republican states are the largest moochers off the federal government and they know it. So you think they want to close the federated social services?


David Simmons said…
Texas is part of the US? When did that happen.
This_ Brandon said…
Mostly cause Obama forces the decision with vetos
Mike Scully said…
Gentleman Adventurer excellent explanation!
This_ Brandon said…
Gentleman Adventurer Thank you for the information I saved your comment
This_ Brandon said…
Democrats create these things
This_ Brandon said…
Then the problem is fake Republican s
The trope of 'red welfare states' is a lie. The money is not being counted by 'welfare' as in assistance payments, the money they talk about is federal spending on roads, military bases, etc.
Not what people normally consider 'welfare'.
If you want to talk about welfare as it is generally understood: one third of all welfare recipients in the nation live in Democrat controlled California.
soylent green said…
Republican States are the biggest moochers? Really? Just in NY City there are over four million people on government assistance. That's more people than the entirety of the populations of some States! Your assertion is flawed in another way: states that don't pass liberal benefit plans for freelloaders don't dole out as much to free loaders. Also, Blue states have the highest defined benefit plans because the top-heavy liberal governments award them to their government employees. Look at Rhode Island broke and with more than half the people in the state getting a government t check in one form or another(government hand out or government employee). Look at ultra-liberal California that is over $280 BILLION in debt because of their liberal government hand-outs and a legislature that can't stop squandering money. People and companies are fleeing states like NY and California for states that are more financially stable and run by legislatures that are conservative, not perfect, but far less destructive than liberal governments. The only problem with that is that the assholes that destroyed their own states are fleeing into other States and not leaving destructive liberal ideologies in their former states; they haven't learned shit...kinda like you.
Wylie Atkinson said…
You C: Texas has had the DUBIOUS DISHONOR of contributing the "likes" of the "W" Bush, our current Guv G. Abbott, and let's NOT forget the babbling moron T. Cruz.
Wylie Atkinson
And yourself.
Alex Shull
A State getting more than it gives in is usually not because of social welfare programs, but fed spending on roads or military bases or the like. That was my point, which is what is missed by those talking about 'red welfare states'. That is done to mislead people into thinking people that vote Republican are more likely to get welfare. Spending on roads and military bases is not what people consider 'welfare'.
Jason ON
From the PolitiFact citation:

"How do you define red and blue states?

The graphic defines Republican states as those "that have voted Republican in a previous presidential election." Because the data is from 2005, that means states that voted for George W. Bush in 2004, which is a larger number than voted Republican in 2008.

But the definition of states as Republican or Democratic isn't immutable. Just four years later, in the 2008 election, six states in the right-hand chart and three states in the left-hand chart switched from Republican to Democratic, making both charts more heavily blue.

We should also note that some of the margins of victory were quite narrow. In fact, a dozen or more states can be characterized in most elections as swing states, which might be more appropriately shaded in purple.

The data is seven years old

As we noted, the data is for 2005. To the author’s credit, this is disclosed prominently, and because it’s the most recent data of its type available, we can hardly fault the creator of the graphic for using it. Still, since the data has almost certainly shifted in the interim, particularly with the 2009 stimulus and the general increase in deficit spending, those patterns could have shifted as well.

"Because of the high deficit spending we’re seeing at the federal level, it’s likely that every state is currently receiving more in federal spending than its population paid in federal income taxes," the Tax Foundation's Morrison said."

Pretty weak.
soylent green said…
Alex Shull​ I would disagree that they can pay for their own moochers, or at least in how they try: confiscatory taxes. People are fleeing that state because of its overbearing liberal government policies and taxes. NY state is even running ads nation wide trying to attract businesses back based on what they describe as lower taxes (clue: lots of conditions on that deal, AND, its NY so it will never be a tax friendly state). What NY has done is run off a great deal of its tax base: individuals that work, and businesses that provide those jobs. This is all happening because of the money being given away by the state. It can only be regained by the state in the form of taxes unless they change their big-government, big tax, anti -business ways. They won't. Unike a drug addict, a liberal wont change when they hit bottom, they will just blame their woes on someone else. Its the way liberals rationalize the failures of their ideology.
Jason ON said…
Benjamin Disraeli, what was my original statement. Go ahead, scroll on up to the top, copy and paste it to me.
Jason ON
You know what it is. And it's not based on any reality.
Jason ON said…
So you can't even copy and paste my original statement? You can't even paraphrase it?
Jason ON
No reason to do so. It was tedious enough the first time.
Alex Shull
Wealthy live in NYC for proximity. They tolerate a great deal of shakedown from municipal factotums to do so.
Overtaxing of the wealthy will only drive them offshore, as many have already done.
soylent green said…
Alex Shull​ my points are not un substantial, they are based on personal experience. Over the last 25 years all the family I had in NY has moved to other states threat offer better job opportunities and lower taxes. Call it whatever makes you feel better. Admitting your for higher taxes on a certain segment of society - not the one you're in, obviously - doesn't bolster your point, it makes mine that you are screwing up that state with your big-tax, big-taker, run - off - the-makers, theology. What will liberals do when they run out of other peoples' money?
Jason ON said…
Benjamin Disraeli, then I see no reason to further engage you.

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