Palin, the Tea Party and a direct line to the Trump phenomena.

Palin, the Tea Party and a direct line to the Trump phenomena. I'm reminded of of Batman and the Joker from the first Batman movie with Michael Keaton.

Jack Nicholson/Joker, "You made me!"
Michael Keaton/Batman, "You made me first."


Sean Cowen said…
I don't post anything political on Plus, nor do I comment on these posts 99.9999% of the time, but honestly? I don't think there is anything that woman wouldn't do to be back on the national stage. And I do mean anything.
Buster McNamara said…
Sean Cowen I rarely comment on FB political posts and find g+ more fun for politics
David Gross said…
I only post a few political things, I put them in my misc, lol and wtf collections.

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