It's your responsibility to be there as they go. Don't be a coward. Show them the respect they deserve.

It's your responsibility to be there as they go. Don't be a coward. Show them the respect they deserve.

via Harold Chester​

Originally shared by ****



Masha du Toit said…
I couldn't imagine leaving. In the end it's quick, but they need you there with them. It's the least you can do.  Experienced this last year.
Lorne Thomas said…
I loved my dog. I was so sad to see him go.
I can still remember the last time he licked my face.
Marilyn Gerber said…
When we put two dogs down when I was 19, the vet didn't want us to stay, but my sister and I insisted. I think it made it harder for him. He had taken care of these dogs for 12 years and watched us grow up with them. 
We recently put down a cat and my son works at that vet clinic. 
My son was AMAZING. He gave Bodhi the drug that put Bodhi to sleep and the vet administered the drug that stopped his heart. He remained calm and composed while his parents (my sister and I) sobbed and held Bodhi. The vet hugged us and, oddly, took my face in his giant hands and kissed my cheek gently.  Bless them for doing this work and keeping their cool. I don't have it in me.
Masha du Toit said…
Marilyn Gerber that's a beautiful story.
Kevin Guertin said…
This post brought back all of the feelings of staying in the room as they put my cat down a couple of years ago. I had to leave my office and head to the washroom so I wouldn't cry in front of coworkers. There was no way I was going to leave her alone in her last moments. Maybe it was my emotional state or her drugs, but I swear she knew what was happening, and that made it worse. That and seeing her peaceful face as they carried her out the room are etched in my mind forever.

Joe Hanley said…
A few months back I had to say good-bye to my Golden Retriever, Tucker. As hard as it was to be there, I couldn't image leaving this member of my family alone at the end. The staff at the animal hospital were really wonderful. The doctor and the assistants cried right along with me. Even my regular vet, who could not be there,  called me from Israel where it was the middle of the night to offer condolences... for anyone who thinks people get into that field for personal gain.
Anthony Curreri said…
I've had three dogs pass. Two I've had to put down. I've held both in my arms each time the vet did it. I wanted the last thing my dogs felt was me comforting them and visa versa.
Douglas Blaack said…
I put down Kelly, my constant companion for twelve years, in September 2014.  I still tear up when I remember holding him as he took his last breath.
Stephen Dickson said…
Around here we do it ourselves.
John Gonzales said…
I agree. They are scared and they know what is happening. They are loyal companions and deserve to be comforted in the end.
It is odd that we have more compassion for the suffering of our pets, giving us the option to kill them rather than let them suffer, but have no such compassion for thinking adult human beings.
Lorne Thomas said…
No it's not. We care for our pets.
We don't care for other human beings we love?
Lorne Thomas said…
I care for my family, community and let's face it, a pet is part of the family. Your family? I care enough to not wish bad things to happen and to go out of my way to protect it against harm, but how you see your family is all you, if you have concerns you might think of contacting a mental health professional.

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