Turns out, the only way not to be shot or beat by a police officer is to be a white guy with a gun.

Turns out, the only way not to be shot or beat by a police officer is to be a white guy with a gun. No wonder the NRA wants everyone to have a gun. Or, at least, all white guys.

Paul Wolfe


Crazy - they are walking away together peacefully, when the cop decides to run in front of him and pepper spray him - how the hell did that police report come close to matching the video??
Stephen Dickson said…
Whenever cops are caught doing this sort of shit they need me to rectify the issue. Whatever they did to someone with my twist on it.
Beat someone with a baton, I'll tie them up and bash them with a bat.
Pepperspray? Petrol in their face for half an hour.....
Steve Thompson said…
I'm mystified by the need to call the police, by the officer not letting it drop after the man got up and walked away as requested, by the officer's sudden need to attack the man, by the woman crying because the victim 'might have done something' 10 minutes after they called the police and by the man filming the event reacting to his beating as 'he's just being arrested'.

I'm sure whatever words the man was yelling weren't kind to the officer but, if he wants to serve and protect, he needs to have a much thicker skin than he apparently has.
Jason ON said…
I was wondering the same thing, Steve Thompson. The man walked away. There was no need for the cop to follow him much less attack him like that. Even if he was on drugs (which he might have been, we really don't know).

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