This is no surprise to those of us who pay attention to such things.
This is no surprise to those of us who pay attention to such things.
More on the 2014 standoff and the huge amount of nothing that has been done since then:
As of today, the BLM tells us that Bundy still has not paid the more than $1 million in fees and fines he's racked up and that his cattle continue to graze on federal lands.
I read today that the feds only cut off power to the surrounding buildings, but not the main building currently being occupied by these tools. Why are they coddling these seditionist hillbillies?
And not being held accountable for the bullshit they get up to. You guys need to start looking at the big picture.
As for this giving thing, be fucked. Your leaders are trotting around the world cap in hand wanting money so they can go terrorise other countries while your corporations while your corporations are working on ways to steal from us. #TPP much?
While your corporations while your corporations? really? So mad you had to say it twice? That is your excuse for a population that is not willing to give to charity? That is pretty thin. Oh, while we are on TPP, the European governments signed the treaty on their own so you can't blame Coke and Wallmart for that one.
The old world is stuck in old ideas and only cares when their leaders force them to by rule of law.