I'm seriously thinking Steven Spielberg plagiarized "Little Girl Lost" when he made Poltergeist.

I'm seriously thinking Steven Spielberg plagiarized "Little Girl Lost" when he made Poltergeist. Some of the scenes and dialogue were straight out of the movie.


Just pulled it up from my archives... Definitely quite a few parallels to Poltergeist.
David Simmons said…
Haven't all the good movies already been made? Seems like Hollywood thinks so. As much as people are complaining how the new Star Wars movie copied off the old one, I remember someone doing a side-by-side comparison of the old Star Wars with a John Wayne western.
Salvador Melo said…
This is one of the episodes I cannot watch again; 1 of 2 that make me hesitate before turning on a TZ rerun.
Tobias Harms said…
It was my understanding that Lucas borrowed a lot from Japanese daytime TV with samurais.

Some of the westerns like For a handful of dollars where western versions of movies by Kurisawa like Seven samurais and Yojimbu.

Wouldn't be odd if that would be a connection. 😊
April Benney said…
One of my favorite episodes of The Twilight Zone !!

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