A slightly different way than I would have put it, but the sentiment is the same.

A slightly different way than I would have put it, but the sentiment is the same.
Originally shared by Sho' Nuff
So some crazy ass white boys, took over a gloried bird feeder out in the sticks of Oregon and people are losing their minds behind that shit..
Look, just give these R'necks some space and eventually they're gonna make a beer run and we can arrest them all in the Walmart parking lot..
These nut cases are just looking for publicity and a interview on Fox news, there is nothing patriotic about these chumps..
If these clowns were serious they would have tried to grab control of The White House, do these boys not have cable? have they not seen Olympus has fallen?
That's the kind of shit I want to see, not a bunch of crazy chumps out in the boondocks jerking each other off to country music..
These boys have a Facebook page, begging for food, soap and locks.. *But they plan on staying out there for years tho..
Fuck you need a lock for and you have them guns brah?
Or if it was IQ of the most stupid one divided by number of members.