
Showing posts from May, 2012

I'm so glad to see this trend catching on.

I'm so glad to see this trend catching on.

You didn't think the Zombie Apocalypse was a joke, did you?

You didn't think the Zombie Apocalypse was a joke, did you? Originally shared by Casey McKinnon "Clearly, SOMETHING is, in fact, going down in Florida." -Robert Meyer Burnett on Twitter ( )

Do guys call each other names and tease each other over ridiculous things?

Do guys call each other names and tease each other over ridiculous things? I ask this because I saw a status posted last night which I commented on. The original poster made comment that his smoke alarm was out of battery and he was worried about sleeping through the night. My comment was, "Don't be a sissy." You can survive a night without a smoke alarm for one night. His response was that he has a lot of items in his house which can spontaneously burst into flame such as glass-blowing equipment, welding and high-powered power supplies (for electronics, I assume). Fair enough. However, a woman jumped in there and started calling me all sorts of troglodyte-type names because I told the OP not to be a sissy. I explained to her that that's how guys are with each other, it's a bonding experience. But that didn't satisfy her, instead she came back and called me immature. I explained this was a social network and she needed to calm down, this is how men are social...

To the ladies out there. You know who you are.

To the ladies out there. You know who you are. Originally shared by Christy Stevens This is both tragic and hysterical at the same time. #smh

Uh oh, iPhones are no longer cool. Cricket has them.

Uh oh, iPhones are no longer cool. Cricket has them. Originally shared by Luria Petrucci aka Cali Lewis Cricket Communications is offering prepaid iPhones.

This is the image I'm submitting for consideration for the #PlusOneIssue1 , theme: architecture.

This is the image I'm submitting for consideration for the #PlusOneIssue1 , theme: architecture. It was hard for me to find a decent architecture image since I don't normally shoot architecture as the subject of the photo. This image was taken last summer (July). Bok Tower Gardens is an amazing place and if you're ever in the center of Florida it's worth the trip. The tower sings every hour and they even have concerts there a few times a year. The gardens are amazing as only gardens in Florida can be. Florida means land of flowers for a reason. A little bit of magical wonderland in the Florida highlands. Yes, Florida has highlands. :)

Maybe the Constitution will protect equal rights when the government won't.

Maybe the Constitution will protect equal rights when the government won't.

I'll give you one guess who's limping.

I'll give you one guess who's limping. Go ahead and guess. Okay, okay, I'll tell: it's the four-legged retard I'm currently responsible for. That's right, Rufus went and hurt himself again, breaking his leash at the same time, while chasing a squirrel.

In Control

In Control

Are you using Instagram? This might be something you might like, then.

Are you using Instagram? This might be something you might like, then. Originally shared by Darren Bounds Looking for a web album for your #instagram memories? Check out my weekend project, Glossy.



Food groups.

Food groups.

More news from the oncoming zombie invasion! Holy sh!t, the zombies are eating brains!

More news from the oncoming zombie invasion! Holy sh!t, the zombies are eating brains! Originally shared by April Benney Ok people, PLEASE stop watching old Night of the Living Dead movies.

So, if you want to post pictures on Google+ ...

So, if you want to post pictures on Google+ ... :) Originally shared by Scott Kelby Advice for New Photographers on Google+ ;-) This is the opening video we produced to kick-off the opening keynote at the Google+ Photographer's Conference. Thought you guys might get a kick out of it. (Directed and edited by own our Daniel Bryant).

a good analogy for CGI would be morphine -- morphine is an incredible drug if you use it for what it was intended...

a good analogy for CGI would be morphine -- morphine is an incredible drug if you use it for what it was intended for, used sparingly, in the right amounts. But when it's used too much, you get addicted and it's a killer. And that's exactly what CGI is. More movies have been killed by CG than have been helped by it. So true. Everything doesn't need to be in CGI. Do you hear that Lucas?

via Shannon S. Myers and CJ Cox

via Shannon S. Myers and CJ Cox Missing childrenz. Have you seen this child? Especially if you're in the northeast. Originally shared by PJ Ammidon My son's friend is missing. Please Look at this Missing Poster and consider posting it wherever you can. Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc ... Here is a link to the full story and all the details on the Facebook Missing Page: For those not on Facebook, here is a Huffington Post link: #FindPierce Thank you. #Help #Missing #News #NYC #NewYorkCity #BreakfastClub #photo #FindPierce cc Thomas Hawk Vivienne Gucwa Lotus Carroll Jay Patel Robert Scoble Trey Ratcliff Colby Brown Mike Shaw Vic Gundotra Before every zombie invasion, there is some chemical no oone knows about.

So I don't know doesn't want to offend the mormon religion. I guess it really expecting a mormon president next.

So I don't know doesn't want to offend the mormon religion. I guess it really expecting a mormon president next.

Ha ha ha ha!!

Ha ha ha ha!! Originally shared by Irreverent Monk Just so you know.

via Kenneth Dunlap

via Kenneth Dunlap Got to love Jesus' teachings of peace and love, don't you? Was something lost in translation from the original Hebrew to modern English? Originally shared by Ali Utlu This is DISGUSTING. These people are literally indoctrinating your youth. This kid's parents should be arrested.

Watching this right now. Much better than I thought it would be. I'm only 45min in, but it's good.

Watching this right now. Much better than I thought it would be. I'm only 45min in, but it's good. Which brings up a topic for discussion: do you believe there is a secret cabal of influencers controlling the world from afar? Some conspiracy theorists believe there is a secret room full of ultra-power-players who secretly determine world leaders, stock markets, national conflicts and even who's going to be famous for no reason whatsoever. Do you believe in this? In a secret Illuminati-like organization tweaking and nudging the world to suit their private agenda?

via Billy Galbreath

via Billy Galbreath This is an example of some really bad natural lighting and is a reminder to pay attention to detail. Originally shared by ****

As my game Plants vs. Zombies says at the beginning of every level: "The Zombies are Coming!"

As my game Plants vs. Zombies says at the beginning of every level: "The Zombies are Coming!" Originally shared by Muse TD "And here's the bad news: Whatever's happening in Florida appears to be spreading. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign tweeted the following the following warning to its students last night: "Hazardous materials released at Institute for Genomic Biology. Escape area if safe to do so. Otherwise seek shelter."



Crowdsourced QA?

Crowdsourced QA? Interesting idea but it makes me wonder about those stores that kick people out for taking pictures of products or using their phones to price-check. Yes, it happens.

Practice makes perfect.

Practice makes perfect.

Denver by Rail.

Denver by Rail.

Neon Trees

Neon Trees Still here.

Here to see some band called the Neon Trees.

Here to see some band called the Neon Trees . Never heard of them. I'm the oldest single person here. Think this band is popular with the high schoool girls.

Spoof up your profile.

Spoof up your profile. Originally shared by kora foto morgana feel like getting a bit creative with your g+ profile?
test, test, test



Oh, those wacky 19th Century Deutschlanders.

Oh, those wacky 19th Century Deutschlanders. Originally shared by Ian Smith Odd German children's book from 19th century.


Wow. I forgot why I hate coming here. Matinee is $10.50/pp? Oh, and extra holiday pricing because normally it would be $5? And then another $13.50 for a popcorn and drink? So, $24.00 to take myself to the movies. This is why people pirate.

Can you say, irony?

Can you say, irony ? Originally shared by Ryan “IT Lab” Drewrey What's even better than a touchy freely TSA inspector? A touchy freely TSA inspector who also used to be A KIDDY TOUCHING PRIEST!!

Has anyone seen Battleship yet? I'm seriously thinking about going to see it.

Has anyone seen Battleship yet? I'm seriously thinking about going to see it.

Not a bad quiz.

Not a bad quiz. Fairly accurate in it's breakdown of my answers. Go ahead and take it, you get your own results URL to share with.

Good on Anderson Cooper 360 for calling out this woman's bigotry and ignorance.

Good on Anderson Cooper 360 for calling out this woman's bigotry and ignorance. Originally shared by Allen Marshall Bigoted Church Member Defends Pastor Worley


Truth Originally shared by Dan Soto Actions > Words

The G+ DogPark

The G+ DogPark Originally shared by Sandy Reid How much is your pack of cigarettes really worth???

Want to see something weird?

Want to see something weird? What are the chances this is just the way the government covers up the first instances of the inevitable zombie invasion?

What happens when you teach your bulldog how to send text messages? Awesome happens.

What happens when you teach your bulldog how to send text messages? Awesome happens.

So true. Now, if your dog a barker? Shannon Dillavou's is.

So true. Now, if your dog a barker? Shannon Dillavou's is. Originally shared by Dan Soto

I'll be in IMAX 3D.

I'll be in IMAX 3D.

Drama! Drama! Drama! by Astrid Lydia Johannsen. If you like drama and lesbians check it out.

Drama! Drama! Drama! by Astrid Lydia Johannsen. If you like drama and lesbians check it out.

I can hear Rufus in the other room dreaming out loud. I guess he did have an exciting day. :D

I can hear Rufus in the other room dreaming out loud. I guess he did have an exciting day. :D

I love this version of the song.

I love this version of the song.

I'll admit, I've done this. ;)

I'll admit, I've done this. ;)

As seen above the mirror at Gunther Toody's on Arapahoe. They really know how to build up self esteem. :D

As seen above the mirror at Gunther Toody's on Arapahoe. They really know how to build up self esteem. :D


Funny! Originally shared by Doc Harvard's Variety Show Found this very funny. I would credit the person that shared it but they shared it limited so I'll leave it up to them to take credit for the original share.

Watching this. Noot spooky yet. :(

Watching this. Noot spooky yet. :(

Raw. Just the way I like it. So raw it's mistaken for dirty, in fact.

Raw. Just the way I like it. So raw it's mistaken for dirty, in fact.

Just resharing ths picture I took back in March.

Just resharing ths picture I took back in March. Let us not forget what this weekend's all about. It is not National BBQ Day, nor National Pool Weekend, nor National Camping Holiday. It is a time to remember those who died so that you might enjoy your pleasures without having to sacrifice anything of yourself.

Gettin' Clean. Real good and clean. In a dirty way. :D

Gettin' Clean. Real good and clean. In a dirty way. :D

I love a clean bike. :)

I love a clean bike. :)

The SV waiting in line for its wash. :)

The SV waiting in line for its wash. :)

Are you narcissistic?

Are you narcissistic? I know I have the tendancies. And do you think narcissism is the current norm through conditioning or a psychological condition we're born with? Originally shared by Frederic Emam-Zadé In psychoanalysis, narcissism is regarded as a normal stage of childhood development. Freud saw narcissism as "a protection against falling ill." That is known as primary narcissism. Secondary narcissism, on the other hand, is seen as pathological. This condition is regarded as a personality disorder. Its characteristics include an exaggerated sense of one's own self-importance and a dependance upon others for the reinforcement of self-image. Narcissism is commonly identified in people with antisocial personality disorder. Andrew Cohen defines narcissist as someone who is, metaphorically speaking, "always looking at their own image in the mirror of their own mind." And yet, Cohen expands the defitinition of narcissism to describe it as "a cultural ep...

My friend Crystal.

My friend Crystal.
Okay peeps, I'm out. The awesome must take a break. :)

I'm feeling the need for a marathon. It's been a couple of months.

I'm feeling the need for a marathon. It's been a couple of months.

Been watching Archer season 1. Ha ha ha, awesome!

Been watching Archer season 1. Ha ha ha, awesome!

So, Rufus is fast asleep on my bed.

So, Rufus is fast asleep on my bed. Smack dab in the middle of it! Should I wake him up and force him to go outside one last time or wake him up and make him move?

Hey, did you know that's illegal?

Hey, did you know that's illegal? Originally shared by null Ticketmaster's Fees Illegal Says Court In Landmark Decision

Hey, everybody knows!

Hey, everybody knows!


Sherbotsky! Originally shared by Mike Determan Lol

I would think there'd be lawyers lining up to take this on contingency.

I would think there'd be lawyers lining up to take this on contingency. NBC is stealing his advertising money and I'm sure they'd be the first to send a cease and desist order should someone upload their content as their own. Originally shared by Carl Barrett (cl2eep) I'm sure NBC wouldn't tolerate their content used this way. Another example of the studios not seeing the big picture.

Depressing song and I listen to a lot of depressing songs.

Depressing song and I listen to a lot of depressing songs.

Okay, I'll admit: that's a hell of a jump.

Okay, I'll admit: that's a hell of a jump. Originally shared by Bruce Head

Supposed to be shedding the weight and to do that I have to watch what I eat.

Supposed to be shedding the weight and to do that I have to watch what I eat. So, instead of a balanced dinner I decided to have cookies. Mmm... cookies.

So, I downloaded this today.

So, I downloaded this today. Looks like Instagram but many more filters and features to create dynamic works of art before posting online. I don't know what FB will be doing with Instagram, but right now I think this will be my alternative.

Don't you, forget about me...

Don't you, forget about me...

The location of State capitals as an ingredient to corruption? Fascinating!

The location of State capitals as an ingredient to corruption? Fascinating!
Downloaded new G+ app a half hour ago. Just had my first force-close.

For some, S&M would be the 'Happiest Place on Earth.' For others, it's PB&J.

For some, S&M would be the 'Happiest Place on Earth.' For others, it's PB&J. Originally shared by Jason Salas #jasonsObservations : We'll sooner see S&M at Disneyland before we get PB&J at Subway.







A ton of rubber.

A ton of rubber.

Roxie Falco

Roxie Falco, Hey, my previous commitment for Thurs. and Fri were cancelled due to forces outside of my control. If you still want to hang out, let me know.

G+ Photos Tips and Tricks.

G+ Photos Tips and Tricks. Originally shared by Chris Chabot Google+ Photos Tips & Tricks Yesterday evening Brian Rose, Vincent Mo, Aubrey Gates and I did a panel at the Google+ Photographer's Conference where we shared some of our stories, favorite tips and tricks for Google+ photos, and answered questions that we got here on Google+ and from the audience. So if you want to pick up a few useful tips and hear a few fun stories make sure to watch the video of the session! fast forward to about the 2:00 mark to get to the start of the session


Hangout! Originally shared by Google Play For those excited about the upcoming film Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter , we're offering you one more chance to video chat with the writer behind the film and book, Seth Grahame-Smith. The Hangout on Air will happen this Friday, May 25th, 3:30pm PST. Ask your best question for Seth below in the comments - 8 people will be chosen to join the Hangout. (Be sure to also circle Google Play. We’ll send out invites to the chosen people soon!) Seth is also the writer behind the Tim Burton film Dark Shadows and the bestselling novel Pride & Prejudice & Zombies .
Raise your hand if you like gingersnaps!

Do you respect a woman's right to speak about women's health?

Do you respect a woman's right to speak about women's health? Do you understand the internetz? Then you're already smarter than George Tierny, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina. Feel free to laugh. Originally shared by Chris Pitchford Why would George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina post such incredibly mean and nasty tweets about Sandra Fluke? Warning, the story at the link contains harsh, vitriolic language and an incredible amount of stupidity on the part of Greenville, South Carolina's George Tierney, Jr.


Truth Originally shared by Vivi J. Deleon

Using Lightroom? Using Dropbox? Feel the need to beta test something?

Using Lightroom? Using Dropbox? Feel the need to beta test something?

Picture of the Eclipse. It's so dark!

Picture of the Eclipse. It's so dark!

Total eclipse! With the ring. As seen from mgy laptop.

Total eclipse! With the ring. As seen from mgy laptop.

Look! I took a picture of the eclipse!

Look! I took a picture of the eclipse! :)
Overcast here in Denver. No Eclipse for us.

From front to rear: Maria's Triumph, my SV1K and two Yamaha's.

From front to rear: Maria's Triumph, my SV1K and two Yamaha's. That's right, YZFs are always behind SVs. :)

This is an SV1000A. That A stands for Awesome!

This is an SV1000A. That A stands for Awesome !

Taken at Coal Creek Canyon and Hwy-93 right north of Golden, CO.

Taken at Coal Creek Canyon and Hwy-93 right north of Golden, CO.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha! There can be only one roast! Originally shared by **** Don't lose your head...

Awesome ride today.

Awesome ride today. A little over 215 miles round trip with 60ish of my bestest friends. And Nolan L. He came, too. :P I won't publicly admit to any speeds higher than the posted speed limits, but let's just say fun was had by all. Attached is our route, assuming the lines haven't moved again. Google Maps doesn't seem to like staying where I put them. Nor does GMaps like to "follow the roads" instead preferring straight lines when I hit save.

Oh, Google Maps, why do you hate me so much?

Oh, Google Maps, why do you hate me so much? Last time I tried you I couldn't make a line along the roads and now I can't make a line at all: along the roads or just straight. Does not work in Chrome or Firefox. This makes it a lot more difficult to create a map of directions for people.

Stove Top Popcorn

Stove Top Popcorn The only way to have popcorn; with real butter and garlic. Mmm.....

There be Two-Headed Dragons Here!

There be Two-Headed Dragons Here!

Available now through North Star Siberian Husky Rescue.

Available now through North Star Siberian Husky Rescue.

In-between rain showers.

In-between rain showers.

Because fire stripes on a Camry makes it go faster. :)

Because fire stripes on a Camry makes it go faster. :)
$40 for twop drinks? I don't make enough money to like the good stuff.

Summer Holmquist gave me her cherry. ;)

Summer Holmquist gave me her cherry. ;)

Summer Holmquist let me take a picture of her cherry. ;)

Summer Holmquist let me take a picture of her cherry. ;)

<== Not just a pretty face

Tasha Hericks just reminded me of that. ;)

So, that was weird.

So, that was weird. I finally saw that intro page that everyone has been complaining about when they log in -- you know, the page with the "add people" suggestions. Well, there were a lot of people I could have sworn were in my Circles already. Hmm...

What's the definition of 'irony'?

What's the definition of 'irony'? Performing a speedtest on the One S at the T-Mobile store and getting network errors. Ha ha ha! Oh, T-Mobile , how you're making me want to go elsewhere.

That's kind of cool. A wind map.

That's kind of cool. A wind map.

Can you call it a Blockbuster if it hasn't busted any blocks, yet?

Can you call it a Blockbuster if it hasn't busted any blocks, yet? Originally shared by Tom Moncho Movie guide, with trailers, for 10 summer movie blockbusters.
Really bad friggin day. I'm sure my being sick isn't helping, but if one more thing goes wrong...
I have a cough. Do you have any ide how much I hate coughing? A lot.

What about states that criminalize homosexuality? Will they lose federal funding?

What about states that criminalize homosexuality? Will they lose federal funding?

I'm surprised they're not trying to ban more dogs.

I'm surprised they're not trying to ban more dogs.

via Scott Jonker

via Scott Jonker Can you stump the Wkipedia Oracle? Can you find two things that are more than six degrees of separation apart from one another? I did.

Yes, and after I tamed her, she made me a sammich. ;)

Yes, and after I tamed her, she made me a sammich. ;) (For some reason G+ 'couldnt find the post' for me to comment on on mobile) Originally shared by Nixie Pixel Q. Have you ever slept with a redhead? A. Not a wink. #gingerthursday

Sitting at a traffic light on my SV when I start to hear a really weird metallic grumbling noise.

Sitting at a traffic light on my SV when I start to hear a really weird metallic grumbling noise. For a second I freaked out until I noticed the Harley that pulled up next to me. Ha ha ha!

Cool. I may have to fire up te laptop and give it a try.

Cool. I may have to fire up te laptop and give it a try. Originally shared by Google Earth Did you know that the Earth client has an airplane mode that lets you to fly around as if you’re in an F-16 or SR22? No pilot license required. To enter airplane mode, open the client and press CTRL + Alt + A ( command + option + A on a Mac). Visit the Google Earth Help Center to learn more about flying around the world ( ).


Truth Originally shared by SMILE ◙

Peaceful and Loving

Peaceful and Loving



He really wants to go outside.

He really wants to go outside.

Steel Door

Steel Door

I love it when you're having a debate with someone and they give you their last jabs before blocking you or deleting...

I love it when you're having a debate with someone and they give you their last jabs before blocking you or deleting the thread. Isn't that right, +greg laden? Who apparently blocked me because I said even Nazi's have a right to free speech. I wondered why I wasn't getting notifications of being plus-tagged. Free speech means listening to those points of view you disagree with. "I may not like what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it." I really wish I could +him but I can't. Oh, well.

This is weird.

This is weird. One of the apps I updated recently is obviously messing with my phone (Android 2.3). Now whenever on wifi the phone is constantly syncing. By that I mean the sync icon in the notifications tray is always on. It only took my phone 2 hours to kill the battery this mornng after being on the charger overnight. No good. Facebook? Google Maps? I don't know.
Just had something called Frog-Eyed Salad. It was fruity.

Party like a rock, party like a rockstar!

Party like a rock, party like a rockstar!

Haven't been here since it was Boston's.

Haven't been here since it was Boston's. It has really change -- more like a goth/heavy metal concert with pizza and buckets o'drink where you get to keep the shovel. How cool is that? The added image? Yeah, that is what it looks like in here. Red everywhere.


:) Originally shared by Elliot Pappas For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's motorcycles.

Google+ is moving slowly today. Everyone must be doing "mother" stuff.

Google+ is moving slowly today. Everyone must be doing "mother" stuff. Oh well, I guess it's time to drink, then.
Happy Birthday, Marco Zennaro !!

Fish Burrito and Fish Taco? Yes, please.

Fish Burrito and Fish Taco? Yes, please. First time at a Rubios. It's actually pretty good.

Via Ade Oshineye

Via Ade Oshineye I love that more companies/marketing departments are trying Hangouts out. Originally shared by Snow White and the Huntsman Want to participate in a Google+ Hangout with the SWATH cast this Sunday at 8:00am PT / 11:00am ET? Then e-mail your best questions for the cast to to be considered for this exclusive opportunity! (You must have a webcam / Google + account and be available at the specified time to be eligible). Selected participants will be notified by email tomorrow.

You know what's cold?

You know what's cold? Eighty miles per hour at 45f and in the rain for 32 miles. That's what's cold. On the motorcycle. I'm soaked. The good news is my helmet is clean, my jacket is clean and my gloves and boots are clean and my jeans are soaking wet. :) Just waiting for the return trip now.

I wanted to get this with my Pentax but I didn't have it on me. Perhaps I will come back with it.

I wanted to get this with my Pentax but I didn't have it on me. Perhaps I will come back with it.

You're a beautiful monkey.

You're a beautiful monkey. Originally shared by **** Self-Esteem Boost

So, they're going to build this monstrosity with enough donated money to feed tens of housands of people.

So, they're going to build this monstrosity with enough donated money to feed tens of housands of people. The churches are asking for money to build a monument, a monument that already has cross-competition in Florida and Illinois, insyead of asking people to help their fellow man. And of course, the Golden Gate Bridge, Gateway Arch and other monuments such as Mt. Rushmore are too secular. Amerka needs more crosses. Originally shared by John French $5,000,000 / 200 = 25 000 $5mil would feed 25,000 people for a full month with each person getting $200 for groceries!

I didn't watch the video since I'm at a bar and my battery is nearly dead, but that looks like a Pokeball.

I didn't watch the video since I'm at a bar and my battery is nearly dead, but that looks like a Pokeball.

Love me some hefeweizen!

Love me some hefeweizen!

Apparently this is the good Old Chicagos.

Apparently this is the good Old Chicagos.

Turns out, I'm likeable. Who knew?

Turns out, I'm likeable. Who knew?

via Greg Fischer

via Greg Fischer Haaaaave you met Daryl? Originally shared by **** Epic IRL trolling. :D

Saw this today.

Saw this today. To be honest I wasn't expecting much, but this movie was a real laugh out loud funny movie. It didn't take itself seriously at all and yes, some of the humor was crude, but all in all it was a really funny movie. Good times.


Truth Originally shared by Laurie DesAutels

Needs more clickies.

Needs more clickies. Thanks in advance! Originally shared by Jason ON Okay, there are like a 1000 of you and I need clicks. Hit the link and click the yellow box for me. Thanks,

What I picked up from the library today:

What I picked up from the library today: Book: The Alloy of Law the follow-up to Brandon Sanderson 's Mistborn series. Movies: *Bridesmaids Friends with Benefits Paranormal Activity 3 Real Steel Shark Night and The Thing* (prequel)

Do you know what's cold?

Do you know what's cold? Sixty miles per hour when it's 45f out. Brrr... oh, I should add that this was on a motorcycle. Yes, it's 45f out today in Denver. Sucks.

This woman sounds like a buffoon. Is she really this stupid or is she playing a role?

This woman sounds like a buffoon. Is she really this stupid or is she playing a role?

Facebook Co-Founder Renounces U.S. Citizenship, May Lower Tax Bill

Putting a bomb in Fido? That right there is enough to put this asshat on my most wanted list!

Putting a bomb in Fido? That right there is enough to put this asshat on my most wanted list!


Doh! Someone needs to go to remedial budgeting class.

Frappaccino this morning (finally showed up on Instant Upload).

Frappaccino this morning (finally showed up on Instant Upload). So, apparently Frappacinos are half price between 3 and 5 (or is it 6) in the afternoons around here. That didn't help me this morning...

Just met a pretty girl.

Just met a pretty girl. I love meeting pretty girls who don't run screaming at the sight of me. It makes me feel better about myself. ;) [edited to correct punctuation]

Okay, there are like a 1000 of you and I need clicks. Hit the link and click the yellow box for me. Thanks

Okay, there are like a 1000 of you and I need clicks. Hit the link and click the yellow box for me. Thanks,

So, Sarah Hill posted a story about mothers who continue to breastfeed their children well past the age most in...

So, Sarah Hill posted a story about mothers who continue to breastfeed their children well past the age most in western society believes is acceptable. My argument was that we shouldn't condemn one's choice based on cultural bias (although I didn't state it as succinctly as I just did). Anywho, back and forth and back and forth with Mark Gesswein, who believes anything outside of what he considers "norm" is unacceptable and unnatural and we come to now. He gave no empiric data other than a few jabs at this practice being a gateway to child molestation and that once children have teeth they should be off the milk. Only now, the original post is closed to commenting. I wanted to make my point (again) and show that anthropology actually supports my opinion. Not only that, but a multicultural view shows that many cultures continue to breastfeed much later than the average American family. So, I found this and wanted to post it in response but, as I stated earlier, the...

Moo-Cows are silly.

Moo-Cows are silly. Originally shared by Christina Lihani Remote Control Round Up Thought I'd leave something amusing for you to view while I'm busy. I've disabled comments because you know how freaked-out I get when I don't replay to each of you individually!



Someone threw a bunch of tortilla shells in the pond. Isn't that nice of them?

Someone threw a bunch of tortilla shells in the pond. Isn't that nice of them?
The girl behind the counter was way too cheerful.

Is this the new "planking?" The Romney?

Is this the new "planking?" The Romney? Originally shared by Jim Feig

via Stacy Frazer

via Stacy Frazer I don't even drink coffee, but I might for this. Originally shared by Rebel Squadrons Cool, but we're rather have this Darth Vader one realized: #starwars #coffee

I am a Leaf on the Wind

I am a Leaf on the Wind

Sharing the wealth.

Sharing the wealth. Originally shared by Emmaly Wilson Want to get a phone on Ting with $50 off? Use the link below. Ting is a no-contract, non-prepaid cell phone carrier that charges you what you actually use instead of charging you for whatever silly plan you picked. You're going to want to take a peek at the plans page. So if you got a 1000 minute plan but only used 200 minutes, you're not paying for 1000 minutes. If you went over 1000, you're not paying overage fees; it just kicks you up to the next tier for the month. If you don't use it at all for a whole month, your tier will drop to the lowest tier, which is $0. Also, USB tethering and WiFI hotspot powered by your phone is free, unlike all the other carriers that charge you extra for this. And your plan minutes, data usage, and text messages are all shared across all phones on your account. Each phone costs $6. If you buy your mom a phone on your account and she only uses it a tiny bit, it effectively only costs...

It's about time someone cared about the Native Americans.

It's about time someone cared about the Native Americans. The Federal government doesn't and the states only wanted the ability to regulate and tax, they didn't want to have to welcome these people into the social services fold.


**Walmart If you still believe in heroes, "Like" Walmart* So, I saw the above text with an ad for the Avengers on the right side of my Wall on Facebook. When did Walmart have anything to do with heroes?

Their album is going to be released on iTunes first? WTF, Google Play?

Their album is going to be released on iTunes first? WTF, Google Play? A rehearsal from Garbage's new album. So excited!
So, Obama said something?


Truth Originally shared by Mike Elgan This is true of so many technologies.

Hanging with Erin Joiner for an hour now and she has not, NOT, told me I'm pretty yet. WTF?

Hanging with Erin Joiner for an hour now and she has not, NOT , told me I'm pretty yet. WTF? Maybe I toned the Awesome down too much. It can be overwhelming for some on their first exposure.

This is so awesome!

This is so awesome! The G+ DogPark Originally shared by Richard Prins

With Joss Whedon's success, can we hope for more Firefly in the future?

With Joss Whedon's success, can we hope for more Firefly in the future? Originally shared by James Waugh AWESOME!!!!

Even in you're not in Connecticut this is a good idea.

Even in you're not in Connecticut this is a good idea. Originally shared by **** The state of Connecticut was on the eve of a historic vote. With 90% of Connecticut residents in favor of GMO labeling, pre-vote tallies indicating that a bi-partisan majority of legislators were in favor of the bill, and an unprecedented awareness of GMOs in CT, everything seemed to be falling into place for CT HB 5117, An Act Concerning Genetically Engineered Food. Unfortunately, in a devastating turn of events, before the bill had a chance to make it to the floor for debate and a vote, in a closed door meeting, Governor Malloy and his attorneys interfered in the legislative process by removing Section 2 of the bill. Section 2 was the heart of the bill, the section that called for mandatory labeling of all products produced with the process of genetic engineering, leaving HB 5117 meaningless. Governor Malloy chose to put the interests of the monstrous biotech industry in front of the rights of the...

Hey look, I made something artsy! :P

Hey look, I made something artsy! :P

Vampire Goofus!!

Vampire Goofus!! Gah!


Perfect. Take 6 minutes out of your life and watch this. And remember, asking the right questions is paramount to an informed decision. Originally shared by Samantha Grey This video made my day. Thanks to Katey Springle Lempka for linking to an article featuring it. :) Article Link:

Fantastic! This is one of the features I loved best about Buzz and have requested on the Plus since day one!

Fantastic! This is one of the features I loved best about Buzz and have requested on the Plus since day one! See Stephanie Van Pelt, Google listens to guys, too. Not just pretty girls. :P

Looking West

Looking West

Then I will not fly Delta anymore. I can't do anything less with the Catholic Church than I already do.

Then I will not fly Delta anymore. I can't do anything less with the Catholic Church than I already do. Originally shared by Exposing Political Corruption In America

That's kind of cool.

That's kind of cool. Originally shared by Deirdra Murphy Check it out. ho!

Eating healthy.

Eating healthy.

So, I think a friend of mine, a fairly good friend, dropped me on Facebook over political differences.

So, I think a friend of mine, a fairly good friend, dropped me on Facebook over political differences. She still shows as a "friend" but when I view her profile there "is no information to share." When I view her Wall, there is "no information to see." And for someone who was always, always , on Facebook, I haven't seen her show up in the chat sidebar thing in quite some time. She doesn't show up as someone to "add" as a friend. I may have to call her and see what happened. From what I can recall, she as a manager (married to a partner) in a small business went on a tirade one day because they (and the business) had to pay taxes this year. She went off on Obama and democrats for raising taxes and creating a hostile environment for entrepreneurs. I countered with the fact that taxes are their lowest ever and that the Republicans control Congress and Congress controls taxes. Haven't heard from her since. We've debated political stuf...

Alright kiddies, I'm off to get some beauty sleep. Not that I need it, but I am tired. ;)

Alright kiddies, I'm off to get some beauty sleep. Not that I need it, but I am tired. ;)
Hey, Christina Wilson , where are you? I'm here.

the Avengers!! In IMAX 3D!

the Avengers !! In IMAX 3D!

Can someone out there help a lesser Jason out? His band needs a new van. Thanks. Gracias. Danke. Merci.

Can someone out there help a lesser Jason out? His band needs a new van. Thanks. Gracias. Danke. Merci. Originally shared by Jason Bayton A Request - Please read and share for a great cause and a very deserving band! The dweilband I play for in Holland needs a new bus. They've been renting and borrowing buses for a very long time and now have the opportunity to get one with the support of the people! Maarktplaats, an online marketplace similar to Gumtree or Craigslist is currently running an online competition for a brand new bus. The winners are those who get the most support. If you think you can help by taking 3 seconds to click the link and the button "Steun Mij", they might be in for a chance of winning. It will be a life-changer for the band and you won't be thanked enough. I don't ask for a lot from anyone, here or anywhere else. Please, take a few seconds to go to this website:

I like the idea.

I like the idea. Now, how good is that sensor? And when is Polaroid going to come up with a digital camera that does insta-prints ala old school Polaroids? Originally shared by Margie Hearron Cool...I think. John Mann -- You might like this Camera.
Missing SuperMoon due to cloudy conditions. Oh well.

Since I won't be seening The Avengers until tomorrow I guess I have to content myself with this.

Since I won't be seening The Avengers until tomorrow I guess I have to content myself with this. Make mine Marvel!

Not the official video by any means, but it fits.

Not the official video by any means, but it fits. Happy Fifth-o of May-o, everyone!

Oh Facebook, how we love to hate you.

Oh Facebook, how we love to hate you.

The (imaginary) War on Women.

The (imaginary) War on Women. Originally shared by Filippo Salustri It is, unfortunately, anything but an imaginary war on women. #p2 #WarOnWomen #GOPsux

Facebook is at it again, this time limiting inconsequential commenting between friends.

Facebook is at it again, this time limiting inconsequential commenting between friends.;utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Techcrunch+%28TechCrunch%29

Rufus, at the Furry Scurry!

Rufus, at the Furry Scurry!

Tired as a Full Sized Dog. :)

Tired as a Full Sized Dog. :)

Crowded at the Furry Scurry.

Crowded at the Furry Scurry.
Oops. Forgot to charge the camera battery before heading out today. It died on me halfway through. :(
At the Furry Scurry. Always a good time. Especially for Rufus.

So, is it weird if I want this on my wall?

So, is it weird if I want this on my wall?

Me and the Goofus

Me and the Goofus

I shared a handful of these last week after my week long camping trip in Moab, UT.

I shared a handful of these last week after my week long camping trip in Moab, UT. Here's the entire album. as you can see on a couple of them, I played with the processing a bit. Anywho, enjoy.

More Fourth for you!

More Fourth for you!

May the Fourth Be With You!

May the Fourth Be With You!

Can anyone help bish s out? On his post, not mine.

Can anyone help bish s out? On his post, not mine. Originally shared by bish s Google Spreadsheet Question Does anyone know how to format an integer such they are presented with leading zeros? For example to show the number 6 as 0006.

Not only is it the Furry Scurry, the cultural event at DU, Cinco de Mayo and my 7 year old neighbor's birthday, but...

Not only is it the Furry Scurry, the cultural event at DU, Cinco de Mayo and my 7 year old neighbor's birthday, but it appears that it's Free Comic Day, too! Originally shared by Alex Grossman

I don't usually post pop-culture items, but this is the Beastie Boys for crying out loud!

I don't usually post pop-culture items, but this is the Beastie Boys for crying out loud!

May the Fourth be With You

May the Fourth be With You


Priceless! Originally shared by Cheryl Cooper Texas Wine shop photo by Jen LaCour (Not my photo) found on another site of hers.

Via Joe LaPenna

Via Joe LaPenna Cool! Originally shared by Google Play When a friend shares a song or album they’ve purchased on Google Play via Google+, you get a full free listen. Today we’re introducing "Shared with me", an auto-playlist of music on Google Play that brings together all of the songs and albums shared with you in one convenient location. Just like your email inbox, there's a handy count of everything you haven't listened to yet. Those tracks are bolded in the playlist. You'll see a thumbnail of the person who shared the track with you and the first few words of their Google+ post. You can sort this list by song, sharer, duration, album, artist, or even price, and delete any tracks or albums you don’t want to see there. If you love what you hear, each track has a buy button so you can own it too. Music you buy and share will show up in the "Shared with me" playlists of the people in your Google+ circles. Check out the “Shared with me” playlist on play.g...

Via Stephanie Jordan

Via Stephanie Jordan In case you ever wanted to know. The G+ DogPark Originally shared by Christopher Lira LMAO!!!! You gotta see this!

One has to wonder if anyone in Arizona has ever read the Constitution, the Federalist Papers or the Fourteenth...

One has to wonder if anyone in Arizona has ever read the Constitution, the Federalist Papers or the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. Arizona, seriously, you're vying for The Most Ridiculous State award from the current front-runner: Florida. Stop it. It's embarrassing that you even try. Originally shared by Jim Feig

Yay porn!

Yay porn!

Books of Hymns

Books of Hymns For those of you not paying attention, I'm trying to use Instagram as my PotD and Phoneography outlet. It's forcing to look at the world around me a little more, to find the mundane things of life and see if I can capture the magic . Feel free to follow me on Instagram if you're there. I don't cross-post everything I post there.

Okay, that's sort of cool.

Okay, that's sort of cool.

Aged to Perfection

Aged to Perfection

Reading this.

Reading this.

It's technically a grain and we're supposed to have a lot of grains, right?

It's technically a grain and we're supposed to have a lot of grains, right?

Who doesn't love dogs?

Who doesn't love dogs? My Kincorra loved hanging he head out the window. Rufus isn't allowed to, he has a tendancy to jump out at anything he wants to kill. Originally shared by Dave Condit It would be virtually impossible NOT to like this video. Unless, of course, you're a dog-hater. If you're one of those, continue scrolling...

Things I didn't know.

Things I didn't know.

Via Rich Leighton

Via Rich Leighton Yes, you have a dirty mind. Originally shared by Paper Magazine Still life objects --> erotica. See all of the Morning Funnies here: