Good on Anderson Cooper 360 for calling out this woman's bigotry and ignorance.

Good on Anderson Cooper 360 for calling out this woman's bigotry and ignorance.

Originally shared by Allen Marshall

Bigoted Church Member Defends Pastor Worley


Lisa Bimmerz said…
LOL! I love Anderson! When he said something about; Gay people get born from straight people all the time. Too funny!
Jason ON said…
So, I just showed this to my roommate and apparently, per her, Anderson Cooper wasn't fair with this woman. He, apparently, kept twisting her words and trying to make her sound dumber.

I saw him trying to clarify her statements and asking her if she would continue to agree with her pastor's position if the subject matter weren't gays, but perhaps Jews.
Lisa Bimmerz said…
"make her sound dumber"?! Umm no, she needed NO help in that department - as she did a fine job all by herself! lol
Karl Stevens said…
Not "fair"? Was he supposed to say he agreed with the pastor??!? Cooper lobbed softball after softball to her, and she just kept getting upset because it made her have to think about what she was saying.

She looked like someone who realized after she was on camera that she was defending something reprehensible, but didn't have the ability to admit she made a poor decision.
Romney2012 to solve all the mess in america.
Paul M Edwards said…
I find this quite ironic... The pastor & this woman seem to fit the following scripture:

Ezekiel 16:48-49 NLT
"As surely as I live, says the Sovereign Lord , Sodom and her daughters were never as wicked as you and your daughters. Sodom’s sins were pride, gluttony, and laziness, while the poor and needy suffered outside her door."

The pastor is too lazy to defend himself and instead this prideful, gluttonous woman is doing so.

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