So, that was weird.

So, that was weird. I finally saw that intro page that everyone has been complaining about when they log in -- you know, the page with the "add people" suggestions. Well, there were a lot of people I could have sworn were in my Circles already.



That's supposed to be there? I just thought it was because I pinned a glitch in Chrome. Hmmm...I might actually have to complain about this one. I don't want a nag screen telling me I need to circle more folks into my army of Circlittes...or maybe I do. [ insert menacing laugh ]
Bonnie Pickartz said…
I just saw it, too. I didn't wait for their suggestions. I just clicked through. But it made me a little nervous. I thought I'd been hacked :)
Rugger Ducky said…
It keeps suggesting people to me that I've actually blocked. Gah.
I have no clue who it's suggesting as I just thought it was a bug and fixed my url.

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