Want to see something weird?

Want to see something weird?

What are the chances this is just the way the government covers up the first instances of the inevitable zombie invasion?


This is bullshit...LSD has none of the effects they are describing, no matter how potent it is...

"Police say the attacker was likely overdosing on a new potent form of LSD. "What's happening is whenever we see that a person has taken all of his clothes off and has become violent, it’s indicative of this excited delirium that's caused by overdose of drugs,” said Armando Aguilar of the Miami Fraternal Order of Police. “What's happening is inside their body their organs are burning up alive. ”"

I could see someone on PCP doing this...that much LSD would just make you catatonic for several hours.
Jen Li said…
You think it could be a bad batch of some sort of Off the Shelf knock off shit they're pushing in head shops?
that's a possibility...
Ursula Rodgers said…
You know, I have to wonder about the guy who was the witness. In the video, he said it was "one of the most gruesome things I've ever seen in real life."

One of?!
Jen Li said…
Witness could have been a soldier..
Jason ON said…
Or a gangbanger.
Jen Li said…
hahahaha, he was waaay too old to be a gangbanger
Jason ON said…
Maybe he worked in a meat packing plant. Who knows?

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