Hanging with Erin Joiner for an hour now and she has not, NOT, told me I'm pretty yet. WTF?

Hanging with Erin Joiner for an hour now and she has not, NOT, told me I'm pretty yet. WTF?

Maybe I toned the Awesome down too much. It can be overwhelming for some on their first exposure.


Erin Joiner said…
After a motorcycle ride we'll see what the verdict is.
Jason ON said…
After a motorcycle ride I'll never get rid of you. ;)
Jason ON said…
Because, John Brooks , I can't help it. I had to accept that about me years ago.
John Bump said…
West Side Story, John Brooks
Jonathon Barton said…
Dude. You have to shoot for adorable with Erin. Sheesh.
Erin Joiner said…
I know! I can't come here without the hair being mentioned.
Jason ON said…
All I did was put a helmet on.

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