So, they're going to build this monstrosity with enough donated money to feed tens of housands of people.

So, they're going to build this monstrosity with enough donated money to feed tens of housands of people. The churches are asking for money to build a monument, a monument that already has cross-competition in Florida and Illinois, insyead of asking people to help their fellow man.

And of course, the Golden Gate Bridge, Gateway Arch and other monuments such as Mt. Rushmore are too secular. Amerka needs more crosses.

Originally shared by John French

$5,000,000 / 200 = 25 000
$5mil would feed 25,000 people for a full month with each person getting $200 for groceries!


Blake G. said…
That's a lot of money for a fairy tale. Next is $6.2 million to build a pumpkin shaped carriage in honor of Cinderella lol.
Olaf Fichtner said…
Maybe it's an edible cross...? One that re-grows? One that drops bread and wine when you shake it? Hey, you never know... For $5m it better should...
Blake G. said…
I'll be there with a jug if it shoots out wine!
Olaf Fichtner said…
Alice Cabrera , you said "people waste their money". That exactly is the problem. If I want to "waste" my money buying even more Totoros than I already have, then that is my personal affair and concerns nobody else. It is MY money.

Unfortunately, churches ask for OPM (other people's money) to build something that will not yield any improvement of the current situation to the people who's money they want to use.

If I want money from you to build something, you will probably either demand that I pay you back after a while or that what ever I build is of use for you. This one fails at both...
Olaf Fichtner said…
Ah yes, sorry, had forgotten about that. You see, in Germany for example, churches do charitable work - with tax money. In the US it seems they don't get tax money, so they don't do charitable work.

You must excuse non-religious people like me. Good Christians do of course follow the bible, that's why they are good Christians. It's just that atheists like me do often have a rather incomplete knowledge of the bible. I honestly did not know the passage that says "thou shall love thy tourist attraction more than thy neighbour", but I am sure it is somewhere in there.

Everyone has their priorities...
Olaf Fichtner said…
Apologies if I was mistaken, but you sounded like you would support the idea - and I do not. I could honestly not imagine that a non-religious person would be in favour of this idea. Also, my points are still standing. No, I don't tell them how dare they build such a monument while the money might be used much better elsewhere. But I make fun of that. Yes, I absolutely admit that.

And if a Christian is telling me what a good samaritan he is compared to me atheist then it will be my pleasure to remind him of this amusement park.

It is their money, yes, that's what I got wrong. But it is my right to make fun of people who claim to do one thing while actually doing something entirely different.

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